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Just an odd pic I've just come across. Taken out of a book by Robin Page. I think it's the Ennerdale Eskdale so maybe that's Edmund Porter there?? The pic was probably taken from the 'band' in the Lan

Pennines in Cornwall last weekend. Cheers, D.    

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Thanks raw have been reading up on your days very good and fox digger nice looking pack you have there!true Saxon it's my mates pack he hunts them conist of something like fox diggers pack there harriers xs!we hunt al types of country low ground high ground big an small bogs winds woods u name it


Thought I'd add something to the pot , can't be forked to write that lot out again :laugh::laugh: ...................... It'll be nice to hear of other people's adventures there's never a dull word written about hounds in my book.


good thread mate :thumbs:

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No mistake alright, bit blurry, but as you know yourself hard to keep a steady hand after following hounds across country, haha.


Mostly harriers, with a handful of foxhounds. As you can see the foxhounds like the mark.

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Well with the onset of spring firmley in the air we found our selves reveling in task of drawing the hounds on one of the larger woods today. I've been waiting optimistically after a days rough shooting gave me the first mouth watering glimpse of what this wood could hold. Like a fisherman lost in the depths of a lake I've often stood ,wondered and waited for the opportunity to cast my line out in the murky depths. Today was that day and after such a long build up a anti climax was not to be.

As ever the usual traditions were up held but for some reason I was given a double strength coffee ( they must be trying to tell me something lol). We were a little late arriving so our chin wagging was cut short and all the hounds had be loaded up and onward we marched. I say march I mean trundle , normally pretty light but this time followed by a stock trailer of happy little hounds and a few lurchers for good measure. We arrived at the keepers and met up with the guns, roles and position made clear then the serious stuff began.

Now my optimistic thoughts of this large linear in places wood were not to far wrong because before we even entered the heavy tangle of bramble and dark places ahead,two hounds decided that something well worth delving further for and didn't hesitate to tell the others. The hairs on the back of my neck were aroused by noise of chore excited little hounds Roaring, diving and twisted through the thick . I don't know about you but at this point time seems to stand still for me , every sense strains to make sense of the madness. Reading the the situation gifts the opportunity to be an assets to the hounds in more ways than one. I normally hear a call off P saying JUST LET THEM GO because cock tale of naivety and adrenaline drives me to be with them . With Experience and tuition I've learnt not to play my hand too early in these situations and let our old foe do the card showing. A crackle on the radio gave us all the information we needed to play our hand and off I went . It was high on my list of priorities not to let the hounds follow a rabbit over open ground and it was that fact that got me up and moving swiftly up a ride to were the exit was made. Thanks to a spot of luck, clean living and good genetics :whistling::laugh::laugh: I made it to the run before the hounds . They were asked to turn back to P and he continued the draw towards an less eager to leave foe which made the error of under estimating the fire power of our hounds especially one bitch in particular. With One in the bag in such a fashion it was about time we gave the patient metal holders some enjoyment but it was not to be in this vast place . Another had thought better of running the gauntlet and had taken the refuge of a under ground house and another had surely played this game before and double back to safety unhindered by shot. The hounds did go off on a slight tangent as some do on occasion but were soon loaded and with a brace in the bag we venture to a familiar spot.

Time was a issue when formulating the next plan so a small covert that we had done recently was called upon. If i'm completely honest the optimism that drove me in the first place had most definitely eluded my spirit here but it only served to teach me another valuable lesson. The very same covert that had given us a brace just a week early came up trumps with believe it or not another. This time the guns had they're fun and accounted for two . I had the chance to see first hand just how thick this place was and began to understand why it could be such a haven. Now i'm pretty tall and the brambles and dog roses were towering above my head . P took the top line with a backwards shuffle while I cheated a bit a ducked in and out of the stream bed . the Funny thing is the brace waited until the very last minute to make they're exit and all credit to them little hounds the harried and forced the issue all the way through. In the heat of the battle It's easy to forget the effort put in by all on such a day as I look back I feel fortunate and proud and be part of such a dedicated ramble . It's very quite at the moment as the hounds are in a deep sleep, recharging they're batteries and resting those tired limbs for the next installment. Thanks for taking the time to read and happy hunting all :thumbs:








WTF is that huge hairy head poking out in the first picture??? It's twice the size of the hounds :icon_eek::laugh: :laugh:



Is it some sort of hound x or is is a lurcher????

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Well with the onset of spring firmley in the air we found our selves reveling in task of drawing the hounds on one of the larger woods today. I've been waiting optimistically after a days rough shooting gave me the first mouth watering glimpse of what this wood could hold. Like a fisherman lost in the depths of a lake I've often stood ,wondered and waited for the opportunity to cast my line out in the murky depths. Today was that day and after such a long build up a anti climax was not to be.

As ever the usual traditions were up held but for some reason I was given a double strength coffee ( they must be trying to tell me something lol). We were a little late arriving so our chin wagging was cut short and all the hounds had be loaded up and onward we marched. I say march I mean trundle , normally pretty light but this time followed by a stock trailer of happy little hounds and a few lurchers for good measure. We arrived at the keepers and met up with the guns, roles and position made clear then the serious stuff began.

Now my optimistic thoughts of this large linear in places wood were not to far wrong because before we even entered the heavy tangle of bramble and dark places ahead,two hounds decided that something well worth delving further for and didn't hesitate to tell the others. The hairs on the back of my neck were aroused by noise of chore excited little hounds Roaring, diving and twisted through the thick . I don't know about you but at this point time seems to stand still for me , every sense strains to make sense of the madness. Reading the the situation gifts the opportunity to be an assets to the hounds in more ways than one. I normally hear a call off P saying JUST LET THEM GO because cock tale of naivety and adrenaline drives me to be with them . With Experience and tuition I've learnt not to play my hand too early in these situations and let our old foe do the card showing. A crackle on the radio gave us all the information we needed to play our hand and off I went . It was high on my list of priorities not to let the hounds follow a rabbit over open ground and it was that fact that got me up and moving swiftly up a ride to were the exit was made. Thanks to a spot of luck, clean living and good genetics :whistling::laugh::laugh: I made it to the run before the hounds . They were asked to turn back to P and he continued the draw towards an less eager to leave foe which made the error of under estimating the fire power of our hounds especially one bitch in particular. With One in the bag in such a fashion it was about time we gave the patient metal holders some enjoyment but it was not to be in this vast place . Another had thought better of running the gauntlet and had taken the refuge of a under ground house and another had surely played this game before and double back to safety unhindered by shot. The hounds did go off on a slight tangent as some do on occasion but were soon loaded and with a brace in the bag we venture to a familiar spot.

Time was a issue when formulating the next plan so a small covert that we had done recently was called upon. If i'm completely honest the optimism that drove me in the first place had most definitely eluded my spirit here but it only served to teach me another valuable lesson. The very same covert that had given us a brace just a week early came up trumps with believe it or not another. This time the guns had they're fun and accounted for two . I had the chance to see first hand just how thick this place was and began to understand why it could be such a haven. Now i'm pretty tall and the brambles and dog roses were towering above my head . P took the top line with a backwards shuffle while I cheated a bit a ducked in and out of the stream bed . the Funny thing is the brace waited until the very last minute to make they're exit and all credit to them little hounds the harried and forced the issue all the way through. In the heat of the battle It's easy to forget the effort put in by all on such a day as I look back I feel fortunate and proud and be part of such a dedicated ramble . It's very quite at the moment as the hounds are in a deep sleep, recharging they're batteries and resting those tired limbs for the next installment. Thanks for taking the time to read and happy hunting all :thumbs:








WTF is that huge hairy head poking out in the first picture??? It's twice the size of the hounds :icon_eek::laugh: :laugh:



Is it some sort of hound x or is is a lurcher????



:laugh::laugh: It's a lurcher mate .....................in fact there's two in that picture


Here's a bigger pict


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