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Miners Strike And Me Itv Now

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There's a lot of bile for Thatcher but lets have it right, the girl (yes GIRL) came from nothing, her parents grafted in their OWN business, she got herself an education and worked hard enough to get

Or maybe it means that you can't have a load of KGB infiltrated communists taking their perks and wages from the real economy, from business & taxpayers that create their own money whilst holding

Fcuk there is some shit being talked on this thread. Yes Thatcher done good for herself from middle class beginings, yes she was an astute politician. And yes she fcuked the country up by setting neig

Wilf but we not spending our own money as we see fit the Tory cnuts are taxing the death out of us then either wasting it' giving it away in aid or going on their Jollys off the backs off grafters

Should be a basic tax rate across the board of 20% of anything you earn over 10k

No Council Tax


No Road Tax

Stop ALL Foreign Aid

Any Aid should be gave voluntarily by the individuals to which ever charity they see fit

If they don't want to donate they should not have to be forced to by Goverment over taxation.

The systems corrupt and set up to keep the rich Tory families in the splendor they are accustomed to.

It's the class system that's holding this country back

Germany does not have a class system and its flying

Vote Ukip

Give Great Britain a chance.

Give the general public a chance.

. The third ritch. Oppps. Germany kept its industries ticking over subsidised them Kept government shares in the power and utility's. From button maker to car giants. There employment law dont allow the The shoddy treatment of the work force. German companies open plants over here and use them as. Over spill as the labour market is casual. Lol. The dumping ground of the EU. And people are proud of of it. Lol. While we were fighting. For the polish shipyards unions they were getting ready to join the eu with the help of tory blair. The next issue of money should have billy smart on one side and dick turpin on the other Edited by gonetoearth
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Wilf, do you still have a picture of Thatcher on your wall.....she was a c**t and will always be a c**t and about as working class as old Phil the Greek......She laid the foundations for the c**ts that have been in power since I hope theyre spit roasting her in hell

am down to the last roll of remember maggie toilet paper its nice to see her happy face
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Max, you keep saying the Torys???......Cameron is about as conservative as Karl Marx !!


They are all exactly the bloody same, socialists through and through.


So tell me, what difference does it make that they happen to call themselves Tory ?

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Just in case you wanted to know......there were 20 odd people in the foreign office when the aristocracy were the ones who became politicians, they didn't need the money and governed in the interests of themselves and Great Britain.


Now we have "professional politicians" there are 28,000 people in the foreign office and they govern in there own interests an those of foreign powers who may give them a job one day.


Seems like "the toffs" gave us better value for money based on those numbers ;)

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I think sometimes you just have to go with the flow, adapt and survive the best you can. Most politicians are liars and those that aren't don't normally get to the main positions of power, that's just how it works. Tony Ben and Enoch Powell, political giants both, worlds apart in their views but men of principle, a rare thing in politics. As for history, its written by the victors and by the powerful for the powerful, it always has been and always will be, again its just the way it is. WW2 is a classic example, everyone knows Churchill, Montgomery but how many have heard the names of those that ran up the beaches, the ones really making history, no one except their families and the world works like this. I try and be real to myself, Cameron, Milliband, the Queen and any other person in the establishment............................do they give two s***s about me and my family, not a bloody chance. We live in a world were the average man lives, dies and is forgotten after two generations, at best. No historian is ever gonna sing the praises of the average man, history is all about the one famous individual and the thousands that gave them that fame through tears, sweat or death.


I see politicians in the way I do managers, I am expecting them to screw me over and if they don't, then I am pleasantly surprised :D

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Do you really believe that Max?.......I have loads of pals from up north, the banter is good but that's all it is, banter.

It has always pissed me off that the labour heartlands kept giving me a labour government but it dont mean I hate northerners........even when I worked away up in Middlesborough on my own when I was a kid, the people were sound as a pound.


I do t think labour hate me because I am from the south.

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I do believe that those within the Conservitive Party

Or best part of them couldn't care less about The north ?

If they did there would be genuine investment' regeneration and infrastructure.

More Work.

South and the City comes first'second' and third.

They are all in it to feather their own nests, dont matter north south east or west.

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Voter bases Max, that's all......they will focus their attention in their own heartlands be that Red or blue


Labour have been sending all our hard earned up to you northern monkeys for years, don't hear us complaining ! Lol lol........


Banter by the way ;)

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Hilarious..............i wonder if Stephen Lawrence,s mum was inspired by some of these whingeing lifelong victims !!

f**k sake, don't start me off.......I will need extra co-co at bedtime ! Lol lol

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Hilarious..............i wonder if Stephen Lawrence,s mum was inspired by some of these whingeing lifelong victims !!

. And you an irons man eh. A club formed on an industrial history. Long forgoten Maybe they should change there name when they move i mean whats history no use in whinging over a name. Call them the olylimpians Not after the ground just the amount of greeks and kebab shops around the ground Hilarious eh
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Hilarious..............i wonder if Stephen Lawrence,s mum was inspired by some of these whingeing lifelong victims !!

. And you an irons man eh. A club formed on an industrial history. Long forgoten Maybe they should change there name when they move i mean whats history no use in whinging over a name. Call them the olylimpians Not after the ground just the amount of greeks and kebab shops around the ground Hilarious eh



You fell over..........get up and move on !!............Some folk move with the times some wallow in their own filth and pity.....i remember when we used to give the wogs monkey chants down the Hammers you cant get away with that now......do you cry about not being able to abuse wogs ? no you just find someone else to abuse...............................................................................................................now wipe your f****n nose and wash your hands you scruffy c**ts :laugh:

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