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Miners Strike And Me Itv Now

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Who remembers this description of this great country:


"The sick man of Europe"


Yeah, we would all be better if the unions were still running the joint ! Lol

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There's a lot of bile for Thatcher but lets have it right, the girl (yes GIRL) came from nothing, her parents grafted in their OWN business, she got herself an education and worked hard enough to get

Or maybe it means that you can't have a load of KGB infiltrated communists taking their perks and wages from the real economy, from business & taxpayers that create their own money whilst holding

Fcuk there is some shit being talked on this thread. Yes Thatcher done good for herself from middle class beginings, yes she was an astute politician. And yes she fcuked the country up by setting neig

Fcuk there is some shit being talked on this thread. Yes Thatcher done good for herself from middle class beginings, yes she was an astute politician. And yes she fcuked the country up by setting neighbor against neighbor, by applealing to the greed that is in everyone.


It is not the politicians that have caused the lack of community spirit, it is the greed of the people, with the 'fcuk you jack I am allright' attitude that she fostered as the right way to be.



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Fcuk there is some shit being talked on this thread. Yes Thatcher done good for herself from middle class beginings, yes she was an astute politician. And yes she fcuked the country up by setting neighbor against neighbor, by applealing to the greed that is in everyone.


It is not the politicians that have caused the lack of community spirit, it is the greed of the people, with the 'fcuk you jack I am allright' attitude that she fostered as the right way to be.



Another thing that's wrong with society these days is running through that post...... The blame game. Do you take responsibility for your own actions or life mate or is it all dictated to you by others?

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Fcuk there is some shit being talked on this thread. Yes Thatcher done good for herself from middle class beginings, yes she was an astute politician. And yes she fcuked the country up by setting neighbor against neighbor, by applealing to the greed that is in everyone.


It is not the politicians that have caused the lack of community spirit, it is the greed of the people, with the 'fcuk you jack I am allright' attitude that she fostered as the right way to be.



To be honest you always find that '' community spirit'' comes from the most unexpected place when you're on the bones of your arse & the folk you thought would have always been there are inconspicuous by their absence , I guess in reality its human nature to want to look after your own kids & make sure there ok over the bloke up the road who cant pay his rent

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Watched the programme, very sad, whole communities ripped apart, read Scargills biography interesting reading, is he now in poor health? never saw him in the media for years,

Interesting when the comment was made about bringing down the Government, more or less hinting that was his main priority.

The way thatcher treated the miners, more or less starving them back to work is the reason the Conservatives are now finished as a party in Scotland, and its laughable that they, along with those turncoats Liberals are now ruling us.

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Fcuk there is some shit being talked on this thread. Yes Thatcher done good for herself from middle class beginings, yes she was an astute politician. And yes she fcuked the country up by setting neighbor against neighbor, by applealing to the greed that is in everyone.


It is not the politicians that have caused the lack of community spirit, it is the greed of the people, with the 'fcuk you jack I am allright' attitude that she fostered as the right way to be.



Another thing that's wrong with society these days is running through that post...... The blame game. Do you take responsibility for your own actions or life mate or is it all dictated to you by others?


As far as possible, I have always taken responsibility. Yet when what I want, is not what the majority wants there is nothing I can do about it. That is one reason I never vote. We are and always have been cannon fodder.



Edited by tiercel
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Fcuk there is some shit being talked on this thread. Yes Thatcher done good for herself from middle class beginings, yes she was an astute politician. And yes she fcuked the country up by setting neighbor against neighbor, by applealing to the greed that is in everyone.


It is not the politicians that have caused the lack of community spirit, it is the greed of the people, with the 'fcuk you jack I am allright' attitude that she fostered as the right way to be.



Another thing that's wrong with society these days is running through that post...... The blame game. Do you take responsibility for your own actions or life mate or is it all dictated to you by others?

As far as possible, I have always taken responsibilities. Yet when what I want, is not what the majority wants there is nothing I can do about it. That is one reason I never vote. We are and always have been cannon fodder.



I don't vote either mate, they're all the same to me. No such thing as different parties, they're all the government to me.

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Who remembers this description of this great country:

"The sick man of Europe"

Yeah, we would all be better if the unions were still running the joint ! Lol

. Yeh wilf. We were we had cancer of the brain. And what was nurse thatchers Prognosis. She amputated. The arms and legs of this natiion. I cant laugh. Because i seen to many. Cry
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We had the earths blessing OIL , GAS. COAL. And a skilled workforce And what did they do they put a nation on welfare lol and created a welfare dependency. Thats still haunting us today. HAIL HAIL THE SHOP KEEPERS DAUGHTER. THE SHELF STACKER WHO. WASTED GENERATIONS. !!!!!!!!!

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Fcuk there is some shit being talked on this thread. Yes Thatcher done good for herself from middle class beginings, yes she was an astute politician. And yes she fcuked the country up by setting neighbor against neighbor, by applealing to the greed that is in everyone. It is not the politicians that have caused the lack of community spirit, it is the greed of the people, with the 'fcuk you jack I am allright' attitude that she fostered as the right way to be. TC

Another thing that's wrong with society these days is running through that post...... The blame game. Do you take responsibility for your own actions or life mate or is it all dictated to you by others?

Bloody hell Baw, that's the best thing you have ever written mate.

Totally agree with that.

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The idea that a politician can make everyone have a f**k you jack attitude is frankly complete and utter nonsense.......I don't need a politician to tell me to help out in the community, at the school, the old folks club, football, giving things to locals in need.

I am more than capable of doing all these things myself.


GTE we agree on lots of things matey but we won't agree on this. I have never seen work, money or a job as a right that should be paid for by others no matter what the cost, if I want money in my bin I go out and generate some myself.

Nationalised industry never did this EVER !


If something's dead, then bury it !

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What makes me laugh is all these folk that hate Thatcher so spitefully for privatising many of our state industries in the same breath scream "UKIP!"................. like they would do any different!


Edit, ammended thanks to Malt's ridicule. :laugh::thumbs:

Edited by Born Hunter
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What makes me laugh is all these folk that hate Thatcher so spitefully for nationalising many of our state industries in the same breath scream "UKIP!"................. like they would do any different!

Im sure you mean 'privatising?' :laugh:
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