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Miners Strike And Me Itv Now

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There's a lot of bile for Thatcher but lets have it right, the girl (yes GIRL) came from nothing, her parents grafted in their OWN business, she got herself an education and worked hard enough to get

Or maybe it means that you can't have a load of KGB infiltrated communists taking their perks and wages from the real economy, from business & taxpayers that create their own money whilst holding

Fcuk there is some shit being talked on this thread. Yes Thatcher done good for herself from middle class beginings, yes she was an astute politician. And yes she fcuked the country up by setting neig

Watched It . . Listen To What Michael Heseltine Says Which Has You Thinking . . "Supremacy Off Parliament Whether It Is The Government Or FORCES OUTSIDE THE GOVERNMENT THAT RULE THIS COUNTRY THAT IS THE ISSUE" . . What's He Mean FORCES OUTSIDE THE GOVERNMENT THAT RULE THIS COUNTRY ??

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Watched It . . Listen To What Michael Heseltine Says Which Has You Thinking . . "Supremacy Off Parliament Whether It Is The Government Or FORCES OUTSIDE THE GOVERNMENT THAT RULE THIS COUNTRY THAT IS THE ISSUE" . . What's He Mean FORCES OUTSIDE THE GOVERNMENT THAT RULE THIS COUNTRY ??

He meant the population shouldn't be allowed to hold the ruling class to account. That's why they took the mines other industries away and destroyed communities where people looked after each other, it removed the rallying points that allowed people to rise up in mass protest and hurt the government.
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This was the beginning of Great Britain going to shit

Communities and helping one another was swept away for Thatchers I'm or right jack ' dog eat dog world.

The second instance was the Hunting Ban

After this labour thought we can do as we please

And they did bringing in statutes on a weekly basis to enslave the population.


We maybe have one more chance as a Nation

It's worth a shot


Vote Ukip


United Kingdom Independence Party

I'm not so sure. Community spirit and poverty go hand in hand. The poor the community, the closer knit its residents. Every change in society and problem seems to get blamed on a couple of collieries getting closed, it's farcical.

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Watched It . . Listen To What Michael Heseltine Says Which Has You Thinking . . "Supremacy Off Parliament Whether It Is The Government Or FORCES OUTSIDE THE GOVERNMENT THAT RULE THIS COUNTRY THAT IS THE ISSUE" . . What's He Mean FORCES OUTSIDE THE GOVERNMENT THAT RULE THIS COUNTRY ??

He meant the population shouldn't be allowed to hold the ruling class to account. That's why they took the mines other industries away and destroyed communities where people looked after each other, it removed the rallying points that allowed people to rise up in mass protest and hurt the government.

I think he means the unions not the people. The unions have got as much to answer for as the government. A little power makes a fool an even bigger one.

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Or maybe it means that you can't have a load of KGB infiltrated communists taking their perks and wages from the real economy, from business & taxpayers that create their own money whilst holding the country to ransom whenever they feel like it?


f***ing hell, miners strike was 30 odd years ago......ain't it about time they dryed their f***ing eyes and moved on !

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Don't you think that some of the ex miners should let it go though now? I mean that bloke who's father hasn't spoken to him for 30 years because he chose to go in. Nothing my son could do would make me not want to speak to him for 30 years it's just pathetic.

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Don't you think that some of the ex miners should let it go though now? I mean that bloke who's father hasn't spoken to him for 30 years because he chose to go in. Nothing my son could do would make me not want to speak to him for 30 years it's just pathetic.

Thats extreme, but it's nice to know some people out there are true to their principles whether I agree with them or not. I'm no fan of Maggie, but I admire her for having the courage to stick to her principles. We need a few more people like the old miners and old politicians I think, these days people are like lambs getting herded about their daily lives and getting trampled on by all sorts in the process..
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No Baw your wrong

You think white D shite is community spirit

The same lot would rob u blind

Those mineing communities were a strong bond

You could rely on your neighbour

Leave your doors open

Those stuck up Tory c**ts f****d this country over

Thatcher used the Falklands to gain popularity

The irony is a good chunk of Colliery boys won it for her

She and her family were and are pure filth.

White D, I grew up in Glasgow pal, you think mining villages have the monopoly on community spirit and woes? We were poor, no one stole off each other cos there was f**k all to steal. People would walk in from house to house etc, borrow bread, sugar. Poverty is what creates community spirit. The richer folk get the more isolated, self reliant they become.

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There's a lot of bile for Thatcher but lets have it right, the girl (yes GIRL) came from nothing, her parents grafted in their OWN business, she got herself an education and worked hard enough to get to Oxford !!


She then worked her way up in a world totally dominated by men to become a very patriotic leader of this great country, maybe the strongest since Churchill.


Not only that, she took on the unions which were the mist powerful force in the country and again dominated by men, and won !!


If half our young people had that type of work ethic and determination the country wouldn't be so bad would it !

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This was the beginning of Great Britain going to shit

Communities and helping one another was swept away for Thatchers I'm or right jack ' dog eat dog world.

The second instance was the Hunting Ban

After this labour thought we can do as we please

And they did bringing in statutes on a weekly basis to enslave the population.


We maybe have one more chance as a Nation

It's worth a shot


Vote Ukip


United Kingdom Independence Party

well said max :thumbs: once she destroyed the unions with her propaganda ( much the same as the propaganda about coursers etc being spread by the police and bbc etc today) the working class were f****d .if the nation had come out at the time with the miners and brought her government down its a sure thing this country wouldnt be the shit hole it is today .

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She destoryed are power industry, Great leader we have not had on since churchill , thatcher was the best of a bad bunch of torys the political tennis match labour then tory gives this nation no other option , Hard working thatcher lol. Great leader , have a look a your utility bills. No better reminder of a Legacy. ,

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Don't you think that some of the ex miners should let it go though now? I mean that bloke who's father hasn't spoken to him for 30 years because he chose to go in. Nothing my son could do would make me not want to speak to him for 30 years it's just pathetic.

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