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Guest Frank

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I was driving along a dual carrige way yesterday and seen what looked like a dog curled up in some bracken on the edge of the road, next to the crash barrier.

I stoped the car and walked up to the body and could not belive what i saw!!

It was a half decomposed, dead body of a lurcher, more greyhoundy looking then lurcher, but hard to tell. The worse part is, it was tied to the crash barrier, obviousely dumped, buy someone. :(

That poor dog, starved to death, i would think, not to mention of it being wet and cold.

I was stuned :icon_eek: .........................

I cant understand, how anyone could leave a dog, tied up like that on the side of the road and feck off. Why did no one stop, to take the dog ither, is beyond me??????


Sickining. :cry:

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I cant stop thinking about it. What i seen yesterday. I contacted the police just now and see if they could get a micro chip reading or something. But, they said their is not a lot they can do, if no micro chip to go on.

If i cought the c**ts who did this, i would not be responsible for my actions.!!!!

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Makes you wonder doesnt it ferretlove?

The poor dogs corpse, will be colected by the ISPCA, the police told me.

Talking to a dog rescue fella about it today, apparently, its quiet common over here, for sick people, to tie up their dogs and leave them their, along dual carrige ways, in hope someone will feel sorry for it and pick it up. This poor fella, was not so lucky. :no:

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That is terrible :censored:


When your talking to the ISPCA ask them why they don t take stray or abandoned animals???neither do the Uspca??but they will go and lift a dead dog of the side of the road?When papers get it they may use it as a stick to beat the coursing and greyhound men

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
When your talking to the ISPCA ask them why they don t take stray or abandoned animals??? Neither do the Uspca?? But they will go and lift a dead dog of the side of the road?



:icon_eek: Is that a fact?! OMFG! So then there's every chance that they'd been innundated with phone calls about that Dog, while it was still alive, and basicly figured they'd wait till it had DIED, then they'd put their para Police uniforms on and spring into action!


Un F*cking Believable! That simply puts them on a par with - if not Below - the scum who put the poor Dog there! How the f*ck do these " Animal Welfare " money making machines sleep at night?! :censored:

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Theres plenty of f*****g idiots about in the dog world, too many....I agree they do need culling at birth, b*****ds..you hear tales of people actually bragging about killing there dogs, fair enough if a dog needs pts fine, but bragging about it??? they must get off on it, I had a dog that should of got PTS cleanly and humanely, I ended up giving it back to people who had it previously thinking it would be ok, poor f****r ended up getting thrown out of the back of a motor on a motorway.. Never again will any animal I own pass hands, you never know were it will end or what will happen to them... that was a big mistake I have to live with :no:

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Guest The Big Fish

Well! Its about time that the scum of this country, in fact all over the world were sorted out, beit the mongrels that tied that dog up, or heroin dealers, etc etc, you get my point.


All they need to do, is too twist a law or two around, get a slush fund up together, arm me with a suitable rifle and lots of ammunition and i would happily take out these f~*kers for a sensible sum of money.


I tell you what Ditch, i could happily sleep at night, knowing that i had done the world a service and that i also had a healthy bank account.

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