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hi lads im new to this site id like some advice i have three dogs two jr terriers and a whippit cross lurcher the lurcher works great day or night but the jrs take their time geting into the swing of things and after an hour or so seem to lose interest can anyone give me any tips to motivate them more

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im taking them up on the start of the dublin mountains its played out but i dont drive and its walking distance from my house its the best i can do they are not from hunting stock i got them as pets and last year the two year old one got a few rats and flushed sum rabbits so i got a lurcher i have hunted on and off with freinds over the years so i have a fair idea how it works the problem is geting them started when there only out and keeping them interested some days thier great and some are bad any advice is welcome and thanks for the reploys

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Hi peter the only advice i can give is too take them out as much as you can and try to get out early mornings when the scent is alot better. This is my dogs first season and she is 2 years old, i had the same problem with her it would take a while for her too become interested now when she is out she gets into it almost straight away depending whats about and the longer she is out the more keen she becomes. Also try and get a dead rabbit and tease the dogs wth it you could even let them eat it that might make them keener anyways dont give up and remember it takes time and alot of patience atb daywalker.

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Where I work mine there is little game, they're from twelfth generation non working stock, perfect for rabbiting...working the brambles and thick cover........suits me. I've found the earlier in the day they put something up the more keyed up they are and seem to push on a bit harder. I've had times where I've felt like jumping into the brambles my self as mine do not work every bit of cover, wishing I had a dog that did, but usually that's just me been a dick. I know some people say terriers will work cover regardless, but mine certainly don't. I'm pretty sure if your jacks hit a fresh scent they'll enter cover. Sometimes it's easy to walk from A to B working your dogs, but I now tend to walk slower sit down more and give my dogs more time to roam......if that makes sense.


Maybe give your dogs some time on their own ..I've found they tend to concentrate more on what their doing more rather than following the other dogs. I'm sure you'll end up with a cracking working team, just give them as much time as you can around the best areas available to you.

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You from tallaght . I am them hills are destroyed now for a walk or evan a lamp. . . I walk as far as brittas on lamps out befor I get good spin. ? Same ditching and bushing bout 2 mile walk if want good spin. My jrt runs an skips all day lol

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