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I Am Definately Getting Soft In My Old Age .....

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Well I think I am definately getting soft as I get older but maybe not a bad thing as we all have to mellow at some stage but I have decided lately that if when I go down to feed the dogs I need to put a jacket on and I see steam coming from my breath I have to switch on their heat lamp ... And yes I know their dogs and yes they have a nice hairy coat and yes they can keep each other warm ... But when I stretch out on my comfy bed all warm under my quilt I get a nice feeling knowing my hard working dogs are doing the same laying on their comfy beds with a warm glow keeping the chill off them .........

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Well I think I am definately getting soft as I get older but maybe not a bad thing as we all have to mellow at some stage but I have decided lately that if when I go down to feed the dogs I need to pu

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  On 10/03/2014 at 22:04, socks said:

Well I think I am definately getting soft as I get older but maybe not a bad thing as we all have to mellow at some stage but I have decided lately that if when I go down to feed the dogs I need to put a jacket on and I see steam coming from my breath I have to switch on their heat lamp ... And yes I know their dogs and yes they have a nice hairy coat and yes they can keep each other warm ... But when I stretch out on my comfy bed all warm under my quilt I get a nice feeling knowing my hard working dogs are doing the same laying on their comfy beds with a warm glow keeping the chill off them .........

my 1 dog got a heat lamp(red bulb) but the other dog not got 1, he pulled the lamp down so feck him , have guess which 1 he got thick coat like a wolf and prob near as strong as one lol

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socks, i put mine outside when i go to work in the morning, and if there is a frost then i put the heater on (the mrs turns it off if it warms up later on). one thing i've always wondered, if dogs dont get heat, do they grow a better coat to compensate? all my cur dogs have always been fine in terms of dealing with the cold when working despite getting artificial heat

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An old but very true phrase, by an older and very genuine man springs to mind...


Work them Hard, Treat them like Heroes :victory:


No shame in looking after your dogs...If only everyone done the same.

Edited by Fat-Ferret
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here goes, light the blue touch paper and stand well back :laugh: i only ever use heat if their injured or its seriously cold for a prolonged period. never done any of mine any harm and i have never seen them shiver even in some extreme conditions. they never feel cold either despite the temperature, good bedding is essential though, :thumbs:



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  On 11/03/2014 at 07:42, paulus said:

here goes, light the blue touch paper and stand well back :laugh: i only ever use heat if their injured or its seriously cold for a prolonged period. never done any of mine any harm and i have never seen them shiver even in some extreme conditions. they never feel cold either despite the temperature, good bedding is essential though, :thumbs:

Well said mate, they're f***ing dogs :rolleyes: bunch of fannies :laugh:

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