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Someone's Using A Chainsaw .....

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It's been driving me mad, all morning. Somebody's using a chain saw out there. I can hear it buzzing.


It's probably Pat. And, if it is, having not set eyes on a living soul in seven days, I wouldn't mind wandering out for a chat. See what's going on in the world.


Trouble is, it's my hearing, see? Clinically deaf as a f**king door post. So, while I can pick up this faint humming. I really have absolutely no idea what so ever about its direction!


He could be up at his own place. Or somewhere about the track behind me. Hell, he could be Anywhere! This f**king annoys me. Can't tell shit.


Saw a wren yesterday. It popped out of a scrap of vegetation onto a clear view perch. Just yards away from me.


Then, it puffed itself up. Threw its little head back and opened its beak wide. Doubtlessly pouring out that massively disproportionate cacophony of song.


I heard absolutely f**k all. FFS. Pisses me off.


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Had tinnitus for decades now. In my right ear. The deafest one, as it happens.


No. That sounds like a jet air liner taxiing. Quite used to that now, obviously. But, hearing that saw, and not being able to get a clue where it is? That's just f**king annoying.


It's like telling a blind man; " Ye mates standing out there, somewhere. Go see him " icon_neutral_zpsf88c927b.gif

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i love the sound of a chainsaw in full throttle..........mainly because when i hear it im earning money.......... :boogy: this is my old stihl 041 i found in a scrap yard few years back......brought it home, fresh petrol and a new spark plug and she runs like a beauty!!! f***ing beast she is and running at 66cc she has more power in her than a small motorbike..... :icon_eek:


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Yep. Pat's got a Stihl. Mine's a Husk.


Now; This is just completely taking the f**king piss, yeah? I just took the Dogs for a walk. Hearing the chain saw, obviously.


We walked two hundred yards north. I could then tell that Pat was obviously somewhere down on the bog. Couple of hundred yards to my north west.


I couldn't see him, despite peering hard along the hedges. Thought maybe he was in the trees, directly north of me.


What ever. Satisfied that I at least knew where he was now, I turned east. Hundred yards along the track and I realised I was wrong! F**ker was evidently about three hundred yards further ahead. FFS. How did I get That so wrong?


First, he's hundreds of yards to my north west. Then, he's hundreds of yards to the north east. F**k it. God knows where he is.


I'm walking back and I spot a movement, through the hedge. Fifty yards from my cottage, on the hill meadow to the east, I see Declan. Few yards closer to home and there's Pat, cutting up the hedge.


Fifty f**king yards away. Not hundreds and hundreds. And I just, genuinely, didn't have a clue.


Value your hearing, people. It's Not a thing we should ever take for granted :no:


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have you tried having them syringed pete??? i get mine done every few months but sometimes the build up is so bad im literally lip reading at times...... :censored: really is a horrible sense to lose, id rather lose an arm or a leg than complete loss of hearing........ :yes:

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i love the sound of a chainsaw in full throttle..........mainly because when i hear it im earning money.......... :boogy: this is my old stihl 041 i found in a scrap yard few years back......brought it home, fresh petrol and a new spark plug and she runs like a beauty!!! f*****g beast she is and running at 66cc she has more power in her than a small motorbike..... :icon_eek:


hate to tell you this, but you wont cut much with that, some feckers nicked your chain

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i love the sound of a chainsaw in full throttle..........mainly because when i hear it im earning money.......... :boogy: this is my old stihl 041 i found in a scrap yard few years back......brought it home, fresh petrol and a new spark plug and she runs like a beauty!!! f*****g beast she is and running at 66cc she has more power in her than a small motorbike..... :icon_eek:


hate to tell you this, but you wont cut much with that, some feckers nicked your chain
:laugh: no chainbrake on it so took it off for the video!!
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have you tried having them syringed pete???


Syringed? Did once, when I was in my teens. I believe they prefer not to do it now? Must say, I walked out of that surgery and was astonished at the roar of the traffic.


More up to date? They fitted me with a hearing aid. I wear that in my right ear, funnily enough. The stone death one with the tinnitus? But, I only bother with that when I go into town.


Day that was fitted? The sound of my mates tyres on the gravel was fascinating to me! Now? Only last night I changed the battery. Trying to make some f**king difference.


They wanted to give me an MRI brain scan. Told them to give that opportunity to some poor sod who may badly need it. Nothing on my brain but shit. Had this tinnitus for pushing forty years. Nothing's changed inside my head that an MRI would show them.


Nope. Just part of the process of getting older. Rotting down and dying, mate. We Don't like it. And it's why we are easily pissed off! :laugh:

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Lol funny you mentioned traffic as i always notice that to!!! And little things like your coat rustling, your footsteps etc the one thing i hate when they are bad is when your trying to sleep but all you can hear is your heartbeat pumping like f**k and cant drift off because of it :censored:

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i love the sound of a chainsaw in full throttle..........mainly because when i hear it im earning money.......... :boogy: this is my old stihl 041 i found in a scrap yard few years back......brought it home, fresh petrol and a new spark plug and she runs like a beauty!!! f*****g beast she is and running at 66cc she has more power in her than a small motorbike..... :icon_eek:


Mmm, chainsaws, noisy. Currently felling some big larch, spruce and pine using huskys a 560xp and 576xp, both autotune. My wife thinks I'm sad and calls my 'forestry journal' tree porn. To be honest she's right, heard a saw running last week said to my mate, bet that's an old husqvarna 346, embarrassed to say it was.

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