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Productive Pete ....!

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:) Well, that was satisfying. Got up, today. Sorted all my usual shit out. Then, I thought;


" F**k it! Why go and sit there, reading round and round a bunch of bloody fora, all day? What about those Cubbies ye need yet? "


And, with that, I've taken myself off to my work room. I cut all the planks to sizes. Had a cuppa tea.


Went back in there. Measured and marked for the holes. Drilled the holes. (Cuppa tea. Shoofty in here).


Back I went, again. Got a Real f**kin moody on ..... I now have the other half of the ten cubbies I need.


I'd been knocking out one or two a day. (Matron!!! :icon_eek: ) Today, I just set to and made five, from the ground up. Just need to cammo them now.


But, f**k that. It can wait. It's Sunday and Pete is now having a well earned f**king pint! :drink:





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Well, that was satisfying. Got up, today. Sorted all my usual shit out. Then, I thought;   " F**k it! Why go and sit there, reading round and round a bunch of bloody fora, all day? What about those

Actually, I believe it was all a cunning ruse. Imagine it;   " Hey, Abdullah? I'm f**king sure I've just seen a Pink f**king Land Rover, bristling with machine guns! "   " What?! Mohammed; Have yo

I'm thinking a fair bit about this, Venum. It's the actual traps themselves that are troubling me.   Ye see, I use water based fence stain on the boxes. Run out of black now, so they just get a las

Awesome, well done Outlaw P, plenty of brews an all ;D


Be cushtie to see some more pictures when you have cam'd them up, and then when there set to go.


Enjoy your pint, looks like you have erned it.


Keep smiling,


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Oh, they'll catch alright! Believe me. So do my Juby's.


Anyway; Ye didn't think I could possibly then just sit here and drink beer, did ye?! :D I've just come in from giving the new five their first coat of cammo!


Feed the creatures next. Then I get to seriously hit the lash! :laugh:

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:thumbs: i hate doing any kind of work on a sunday pete but the suns been shining all day so i took myself off outside and washed a load of furniture down with suger soap 20 mins it was dry over the winter its been taking all day to dry same with the primer overnight drying primed 10 lot primer dry in 2 hours and ready to put away--------- off subject i know but to the point bring on the summer its a lot more productive for me..dinner and a beer for me now ... ;)

Edited by the_stig
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Sun? Sun??? WTF is is with this talk of sunshine?! Some nutter suggested, earlier, that I might BBQ my sausages " In this sun ".


What's going on there, mate? I had to fetch my f**king bird traps in again, because it had started raining. First day since I can remember when I haven't caught a single bird! :(


Saying that; Finches aren't easy to trap twice, to be honest with ye. And I've very likely just rung the vast majority of birds visiting here now.


Bit of a balls though. I need to trap about another two dozen birds, to give me a statistic I require.

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Sun? Sun??? WTF is is with this talk of sunshine?! Some nutter suggested, earlier, that I might BBQ my sausages " In this sun ".


What's going on there, mate? I had to fetch my f**king bird traps in again, because it had started raining. First day since I can remember when I haven't caught a single bird! :(


Saying that; Finches aren't easy to trap twice, to be honest with ye. And I've very likely just rung the vast majority of birds visiting here now.


Bit of a balls though. I need to trap about another two dozen birds, to give me a statistic I require.

been like a summers day here in the east midlands pete

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Be cushtie to see some more pictures when you have cam'd them up, and then when there set to go.


I'm thinking a fair bit about this, Venum. It's the actual traps themselves that are troubling me.


Ye see, I use water based fence stain on the boxes. Run out of black now, so they just get a lashing of Forest Green and Dark Oak. It 'does'.


Traps though? Needs to be paint. And paint's just so f**king expensive!


Tell ye what; Next time I'm in town, I'll see if anyone will knock me up a couple of those little sampler tins. I see the tins there, by the mixing machine. Can't just be there for nothing.


Spray paint would be better, of course. But, that's €7.00 a tin and there's really no variety of colours there. " Green ". Take it of leave it. I need a certain shade of green.


No. Think I'll try to get two sample pots. Cup each of green and brown. Thin it down something terrible and just patiently keep dabbing on coats till I get what I want. Got a drop of black here.


Ten f**king body grips? Hardly needs buckets of paint, does it? <_<

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fook me pete nearly forgot the best bit just been out for a smoke and fetch some logs in and he`s still out there keeping busy i`ve even lit the garden up for him as its near on dark i`ve had a robin for company for the best part of the day nesting in my conifer ------- busy little things been the best bit of my day :thumbs:

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Think about getting him some mealworms, mate :D They hatch and you'll go broke on supplying the bloody things!


I've been trying to breed worms. Bought 500g of them. It became a nice little part of my daily routine, picking out the pupae and transferring them to their box.


I've since had beetles. Couple of times I've had absolute f**king plagues of them! Now got a very healthy load of beetles. Tons of pupae yet to hatch. Very few worms.


Only thing that's missing now look is the next generation, spawned by my beetle metropolis. Don't think it's going to happen, frankly.


Sussed out what it is though; Lack of constant, high enough heat. Need a heat strip.


Never mind. Worms cost me under £15.00, delivered. Get a heat strip and I'll buy another load. Start all over again. Far better idea of what I'm doing now. And I thoroughly enjoy it. Quite relaxing to just chill out and sort my worms.


WTF's all this got to do with trapping? Simple. I want them to bait my bird traps! :tongue2:

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Think about getting him some mealworms, mate :D They hatch and you'll go broke on supplying the bloody things!


I've been trying to breed worms. Bought 500g of them. It became a nice little part of my daily routine, picking out the pupae and transferring them to their box.


I've since had beetles. Couple of times I've had absolute f**king plagues of them! Now got a very healthy load of beetles. Tons of pupae yet to hatch. Very few worms.


Only thing that's missing now look is the next generation, spawned by my beetle metropolis. Don't think it's going to happen, frankly.


Sussed out what it is though; Lack of constant, high enough heat. Need a heat strip.


Never mind. Worms cost me under £15.00, delivered. Get a heat strip and I'll buy another load. Start all over again. Far better idea of what I'm doing now. And I thoroughly enjoy it. Quite relaxing to just chill out and sort my worms.


WTF's all this got to do with trapping? Simple. I want them to bait my bird traps! :tongue2:

thats what i was thinking i`ll stick them a feeder up :thumbs:

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