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Police Interview Shotgun/firearm

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Exactly the 1st thing I thought of (without the week). I'd have just put him on the spot.


It's for them to show your unsuitable. They can't arbitrarily refuse you a licence because they think you can't be trusted without any good reason behind that such as convictions, health history etc. Provided you meet the requirements in terms of good character (reasons just given + you pass the MI5 checks etc.), are of the required age, and provided you've shown good reason in the case of a firearm, they have to grant you a licence.

In "very simple" terms it isn't.................


For a SGC, you are entitled to one unless they can show good reason why you should not be granted one.


For a FAC you can't have one unless you can demonstrate good reason why you should to them, that may well include your character!

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Exactly the 1st thing I thought of (without the week). I'd have just put him on the spot.


It's for them to show your unsuitable. They can't arbitrarily refuse you a licence because they think you can't be trusted without any good reason behind that such as convictions, health history etc. Provided you meet the requirements in terms of good character (reasons just given + you pass the MI5 checks etc.), are of the required age, and provided you've shown good reason in the case of a firearm, they have to grant you a licence.

In "very simple" terms it isn't.................


For a SGC, you are entitled to one unless they can show good reason why you should not be granted one.


For a FAC you can't have one unless you can demonstrate good reason why you should to them, that may well include your character!



Thanks for the clarification Deker although I did say "..provided you meet their requirements for good character". They can't just arbitrarily decide you are of bad character without reason.

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Well I am puzzled I gave good reason, he spoke to the farmer, he said himself I seem to be of good character there was a driving offence from 2010 I mentioned on the application which he said they could not find but was grateful of my honesty. He asked me what I do with my spare time. I do not drink I dont socialise with any indecent characters which is all true so what mkre can I say. I really want this licence! Anyone got any reasons to why he wont give me it??? Heads done in!!!

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well now that the police force has a national database set up and that you were honest enough about the driving conviction they will have to find a damn good reason not to grant the certificate. Just as well they didn't ask the same question to me as I would have turned round and answered that I am more trustworthy than the firearms instructor that shot a call centre colleague in the stomach when demonstrating a cylinder pistol with 'dummy' rounds in Oxfordshire.Who on earth would keep live and dummy rounds in a quality street tin anyway. Beggars belief.


Any way here's hoping you're successful with your application, fingers crossed for you.

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Know how you feel mate its awful !!!

Unless you completly bungled the interview or was a drug mule in past its pretty certin you will get one

I had a bit of a mis spent youth with a string of tbh daft brushes with the law nothing major but on paper looked a bit of a div

they interviewd me and i was as honest and genuine as possible I had moved away to a semi rural area with my misees and young boy and another on way not been in trouble for a good few years and showed good character and a changed man with a passion for shooting.

I did my best then had a long wait began. finally thinking thats that im not getting in then one day postman pat delived a ticket!!!!

Best day ever

just try chill now and will keep fingers crossed for you

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