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Just The One Tonight.

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So tonight i set about sorting another rat in the garden. I don't have many rats around but due to our location on the farm the occasional few get the wrong idea and I like to jump straight on them. Tonight was no different with some evidence of the rats presence around the fences I set the tx200 up with my LED Lenser torch and filter,chose my position and sat there waiting. This waiting continued for about 2 hours and still not one shot fired. my determination kept me there a while longer which paid off. Mr rat poked his head out of his hole at 38 yards and presented me with my opportunity, which I took. Out he sprung and expired on the gravel. Not a big bag but at least I got to come away with something


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Well I suppose one is better than none :) why don't you try a bait in a concentrated area. When I go ratting I like to feed them up for a few days with a 50/50 mixture of veg oil and nuttella they go mental for it :) I also found that they were being spooked to easily by my scope mounted Maglite so decided to try something new. What I did was put some of this bait on a round butter tub lid and placed one of those solar garden lights above it and sooner or later they got used to it, once they are comfortable with it you can sit and take loads :). Hope this slightly helps.


ATB Nathan

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Thanks for that nathan ill give it ago. I was baiting it but as you say it may well have being getting spooked by the light, may invest in some NV.


Daz39 sorry mate misunderstood you there. It was a lengthy wait but hate to just let them roam the garden digging holes.

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One thing I always try to remeber when ratting is "rats are spoked by change" another thing I always do is when I call it a day I put more bait down so they can enjoy it in piece it just means once they've got the taste for it itl be more likely for them to return :) NV is definitely an advantage maybe an NS200, but they are rather expensive for ratting it may not be a bad investment though if you intend to use it on rabbits too. Hope this helps mate


ATB Nathan

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