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A american farmer buys a cock from the sales, when he gets it home he turns it out on the farm yard and it starts running around shagging everything, firstly the sheep then the cows and the hens then the old goat he has shagged everything in sight.


All day it went on and just before the farmer went to bed he got the cock bird in his hands and said you'll have to stop this you randy git or it will be the death of you.


Any way the next morning he wakes up light coming through the curtains no cock crowing, so he looks out across the farm yard and sure enough the cock is laid on its side in the middle of the grass with a vulture circling above,

shaking his head goes out to scoop up the poor bugger, as he gets there he says see you silly thing I told you so, just then the bird flicks open its eye and says f**k off will ya it wont come down with you there!



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Chicken farmer goes out and buys game cock to run with he's laying hens...... When turns the game cock loose he goes over to the the hen house and challenges the old barn cock to a fight...... He says I'm gonna fight you beat you and take over breeding these hens..... The old barn cock says lisen I'm to old for fighting and never was Much good anyways...... But I will race you around the farm house for who gets the hens..... A young gun like you should beat an old guy like me easy so to make fair give some head start...... the game cock say yh your right I can beat you easy..... So I'll give you ten seconds head start...... So the old barn cock takes of running.... And the game cock goes after him..... As the old cock goes past the farm house window the game cock is right behind him....... Just then the farmer looks out window grabs he's gun and shoots the game cock....... He says dam that's 3rd gay rooster I've baught this week.......

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