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The Suns Out

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I have walked the same place day, night, in the wind, the rain, the wind and rain, the lot and today! I was off work and the sun was out so I took a trip out with my dog to get to the nearest high point and admire the view. I was at the base of the hill and coming down were two blokes and three dogs, a collie, a staff X and a terrier. As we got nearer I didn't like the signals the staff X was giving off so changed direction a bit to take a little detour but it was too late. The staff X guns for my dog at full tilt and goes in. I shout to the blokes " control your dog", no movement from them at all, so I shout out "control your fu**ing dog", no movement again. I was fuming at this point. I grabbed the staff by its harness and lifted it off my dog and held it up in its harness at which point it calmed down. I then said to the nearest bloke, "you need to control your f***ing" dog, to which he said calm down. "Calm f***ing down, f**k off" I say. The other bloke starts walking over so I tell him to f**k off too :laugh: I never normally get angry in public but the casual attitude of these people made my blood boil. Now I am not the smallest person and had my recon wrap on so probably came across as slightly psychotic, standing there with a staff X dangling from one arm but my dog has been attacked so many times now by these people that just stand around as their dog tries to chew on mine. Anyway be warned, the sun comes out, the mongs are sure to follow :yes:


P.s. I am not anti staff, my dog is a staff herself, I am anti di**head :laugh:

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I thought this was gonna be a 'suns out...brings the hotties out' thread.......


But yeh.......you're right.....these people are fcuking imbeciles!...................& so many of them...

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Never mind hold it up, you should have wrapped its canister round the nearest tree and threw the carcass at them !!......f***ing things shouldn't be off lead if they are dog aggressive

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