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Wild patterdale advice

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ok guys, before i owned my terrier(there are plenty of pics of him if you look on here) i ran a lab,the lab bushed and retrieved it was dead easy to train compared with the terrier. i`ve learned with the terrier that if you make it REALLY fun for it to come back to you it will.

at first mine would not come back at all and my patients ran thin!!! :doh: he would not come back for food but he would come back for a play fight or game of tug o war!! Wilf you say batter the little c*nt well your not wrong but mine seems to love a beating :angel::whistling: !!! infact any fight at all he loves(the little basket!!!)

These little dogs are not for proper training if you ask me as long as he comes back when i ask all be it sometimes in his own time thats good enough for me,you see i never let him out my sight when he is off a lead its just too risky.So you have to ask youself do you want a dog thats nicely trained or a terrier thats good at being a terrier you see i think you have to keep them half wild to keep the good bits in them.

its just my opinion and who am i to preach,each to ther own!!!


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I have found that they will push the boundrys and only when they hear the change in tone of voice that proceeds a flaying will they think on a bit..........its little wonder so many people have shite unruly dogs.........cant stand unruly fecking animals, fecking menace.


Let us know how you get on HARRYCAT .........you never know, you may find another method that teaches us all something :thumbs:

Edited by WILF
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I have to agree wilf when I raise my voice and shout at the little fecker she will do as she is told if she is close. But if not she will do her own thing and think feck you.

Yesterday afternoon she chased a squirrel it run up the outside of my trousers and on my coat and I had to brush the fecker off me then she chased it and ragged it senseless. Its the first one shes had and she was so proud.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My patterdale bitch 14 months old is normally very good at coming back to a whistle and has done so for a while on our local field. However when I take her in the wood its as though "red mist" comes over her and all she's got on her mind is looking for squirrels and it takes ages to get her back. Any advice welcome please.



my patterdale is 10mths and exactly the same, as soon as they know there is something to hunt in a certain area its hard to get em back!


I just call his bluff now, jus keep walking dont call for a min or 2 and he worries that I have gone without him and normally comes running to find me, if this doesn't work i shout something like mommys home or somthing that he normally comes running to!

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My russell on the recall comes back on open ground, it just takes him abit longer getting back in the forrest/woods because of all the obstacles he has to dodge and get arround, ie trees bushes logs, surely any terrier good on a recall will be quicker on open ground getting back to you than it would in a thick dence forrest


if hes on a scent or chasing a squirrell or rabbit you can forget about the recall its useless

Edited by jrt
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Went out last Saturday morning with a few mates and got 8 pheasants and a hare. When carrying the hare back my patterdale would not stop jumping up my mates back trying to bite the dead hare so I put her on the lead. But then I thought she is not learning. So I let her off the lead and she went back jumping up at the hare so I thrashed her with the lead on her ass, she did not do it again. So Wilf goes to the top of the class for advice. Thanks. Job sorted.

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Went out last Saturday morning with a few mates and got 8 pheasants and a hare. When carrying the hare back my patterdale would not stop jumping up my mates back trying to bite the dead hare so I put her on the lead. But then I thought she is not learning. So I let her off the lead and she went back jumping up at the hare so I thrashed her with the lead on her ass, she did not do it again. So Wilf goes to the top of the class for advice. Thanks. Job sorted.


Thing is mate, did you Batter it or Bray it :hmm:


'cos if you brayed it, techincally i'm right and Wilf is an also ran :feck:


However if you battered it and didn't bray the c*nt, then Wilf is correct and i'm off to get my coat :cry:

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Went out last Saturday morning with a few mates and got 8 pheasants and a hare. When carrying the hare back my patterdale would not stop jumping up my mates back trying to bite the dead hare so I put her on the lead. But then I thought she is not learning. So I let her off the lead and she went back jumping up at the hare so I thrashed her with the lead on her ass, she did not do it again. So Wilf goes to the top of the class for advice. Thanks. Job sorted.


Thing is mate, did you Batter it or Bray it :hmm:


'cos if you brayed it, techincally i'm right and Wilf is an also ran :feck:


However if you battered it and didn't bray the c*nt, then Wilf is correct and i'm off to get my coat :cry:


For goodness sake keep the friggin dog on a lead until you need her to go down the hole, ther's no need to have a good patt running loose especially if not wearing a location collar because is asking for trouble with a good dog. Actually its just asking to lose a dog. And battering it for coming back to you is daft!! battering it for trying to eat the hare is common sense or battering for trying to start a row etc.

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i've got a beddy pup and to start with she would go on little missions.. refusing to listen all i did was walk parralelle to her so she could see me not following her and she would soon stop her ways and come to me, but all dogs are different... i only hit my dog once upto now and i did see an improvement afterwards but its not something i'd reccomend.. carrying a bag of snap in your pocket is a good trick.. when it comes just give it a treat and it will soon realise whats good to do.

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