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Spaniel Opening Up

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I recently got a cocker bitch aged 2.She has been trained by a professional trainer but the owner hasn't worked her because he had no time.When I set her off to quarter she opens up but then is quiet but when she goes through heavy cover she squeaks and squeals.Has anyone had this happen and does anyone know any ways to stop her from doing it?Cheers.

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think reason she doing it is one of 2 things if not both combined --1 excitement -2 frustration sorry I don't know any cure though but as much as it may annoy you or others its not the worst thing a gun dog could be doing -billy

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Hi I'm afraid that's why the professional trainer did not want her or her owner, why pay for a pro trainer then not use the dog? It has developed the worst habit for a working dog it will only get worse the more work she does, as excitement gets the beter of her. As previous post says she might be ok working for yourself but on a driven shoot you will be asked not to bring her back as there is nothing worse than the sound of a dog squeaking as it goes thru the drive, it will annoy you the other beaters, keeper, more important the guns best bet is try again and keep as pet.



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I have trained many cockers in my time, made one up to a Field Trial Champion, my advice would be to contact the

professional trainer in the first instance to see if he has experienced the same and see what he has to say first place

If the dog was mine I would hunt her in light rushes first if she makes a sound say to her quiet or no in a stern voice let her sit to absorb that she has done wrong and cast her off in a different direction, hunt her close to you and repeat over and over. Hope this helps.

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My farther used to train his dogs to bark on command , it gave the dog a concept of where barking should be done and to do it to a command , it gave them a where and to whom and cut out a lot of unnecessary barking at other times , maybe worth a try


I found if you give a wappy dog a good burn out earlier in the day, maybe an hours exercise, I know it's not easy either but it does take the edge of the excitement

Best of luck

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