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Irish White Tail Eagle

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As keepering and gamerearing is very rare in Ireland IMO there are only 2 type of people who would do such a thing. 1. A farmer who's either desperate or thinks he'll kill the eagle before it does an

I think you will find, in Ireland at least, most of these types of bop killings come from farmers not gamekeepers. It has been well proven sea eagles take lambs, there is a scheme in Scotland for co

So you have never shot one then,,,,, I thought I was the bollox with a gun till I went on beaters day,,,, I'm fecking useless ,,, there hard to hit mate I can tell thee,, especially them fecking partr

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I'd delete this thread, too many guys giving the antis ammo.

the irony :laugh::laugh:
:laugh: I was thinking more trappa post lol. Here mate, not a bad morning, both Darcy and lab in the keep net and it's not even 10 yet :laugh:
smiley_fishing.gif :laugh:

:laugh: Darcy was a cracker....... It's evolution man :laugh:

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So what logic are we working to? If you haven't seen it and we can't provide photo evidence it didn't happen?


LOL, no that doesn't mean it didn't happen. This is the same as with the God thread, we say "you have no proof of God therefore why believe he exists?", they say "yeah, but you can't prove he doesn't". It's a pointless logic and nothing in our society is based on such a pointless logic. If I accused you of a serious crime, I would be expected to substantiate my claims with evidence, otherwise they are rightly considered utterly meaningless.


The reason I asked for proof, is because everytime BoP control is mentioned the "huge amounts of birds are dumped" argument always comes up like it justifies 100% protection to these predators. I want some numbers so we can quantify how many birds are dumped and see wheather or not the term "huge amounts" is justified. Otherwise these claims are completely meaningless.


If 5% of all birds shot nationally are found to be being dumped by a total of say 2% of shoots nationwide, is the term "huge amounts" really justified? But we don't know do we.......... because the fact is, all these accusations are unsubstantiated, yet the anti BoP control lobby think it's acceptable to use it as an argument to punish the entire industry, professional and amateur.

What numbers have you got? that substantiate the claims of keepers that bop are a major threat to game birds...

The studies are out there mate, I beleive NE gave a license on the back of one to a shoot to destroy nests last year.

Of course we know they kill a certain amount of poults......but....I've never seen it & I haven't got recorded evidence from every shoot in England to back these claims up.......but I know it to be true.


The claim I made is never gonna come with evidence.........surprisingly enough..game shoots don't record this waste, nor do they invite people along to witness the dumping.....

The birds are just a by product of the shooting & if they get some money back on those birds it's a bonus, the profit is in the money paid to shoot.........so too dump some excess is not that big a deal to some, I can't prove it & you know I can't.......but I'm sure you're not that naive....

Anyway got to go..

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Baw there's a good documentary by the bbc with David Attenborough about the soda lakes in Africa ,,,where the flamingoes live,,,,the fish eagles that have only been living there 50 years to feed on the flamingoes have already changed,,,the scientist were amazed at how quick it has happened....

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Baw there's a good documentary by the bbc with David Attenborough about the soda lakes in Africa ,,,where the flamingoes live,,,,the fish eagles that have only been living there 50 years to feed on the flamingoes have already changed,,,the scientist were amazed at how quick it has happened....

Tomo, the point is, iceman is saying the hares are better, that's why everyone ditched the collie cross for saluki. Now, how long do you think the deerhounds etc were used in coursing before the saluki came along? Did the hares hear the saluki was coming and decided to get better lol. I'm not denying that hares on land which gets hunted a lot will be fitter and stronger than elsewhere but to say the hare in general is better is a f***ing joke.

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So what logic are we working to? If you haven't seen it and we can't provide photo evidence it didn't happen?


LOL, no that doesn't mean it didn't happen. This is the same as with the God thread, we say "you have no proof of God therefore why believe he exists?", they say "yeah, but you can't prove he doesn't". It's a pointless logic and nothing in our society is based on such a pointless logic. If I accused you of a serious crime, I would be expected to substantiate my claims with evidence, otherwise they are rightly considered utterly meaningless.


The reason I asked for proof, is because everytime BoP control is mentioned the "huge amounts of birds are dumped" argument always comes up like it justifies 100% protection to these predators. I want some numbers so we can quantify how many birds are dumped and see wheather or not the term "huge amounts" is justified. Otherwise these claims are completely meaningless.


If 5% of all birds shot nationally are found to be being dumped by a total of say 2% of shoots nationwide, is the term "huge amounts" really justified? But we don't know do we.......... because the fact is, all these accusations are unsubstantiated, yet the anti BoP control lobby think it's acceptable to use it as an argument to punish the entire industry, professional and amateur.

In the same line of thought, I'd like to know what percentage of pheasants get killed by BOP to see if control is justified. I'd be suprised if its more than gets killed on the road.

There it is..lol.."more get killed on the road"....yes they do, but there's nothing that can be done about that. Whereas there can be something done about controlling BOP numbers.......thank you!

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How do you ignore someone on this forum? (so you cant see their posts).


Developing an irrational hatred for Baw and his antics, and most of all his f*****g :laugh: faces...



:laugh: I'm on the phone, there is only a couple of faces I can mind how to do :D

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So what logic are we working to? If you haven't seen it and we can't provide photo evidence it didn't happen?


LOL, no that doesn't mean it didn't happen. This is the same as with the God thread, we say "you have no proof of God therefore why believe he exists?", they say "yeah, but you can't prove he doesn't". It's a pointless logic and nothing in our society is based on such a pointless logic. If I accused you of a serious crime, I would be expected to substantiate my claims with evidence, otherwise they are rightly considered utterly meaningless.


The reason I asked for proof, is because everytime BoP control is mentioned the "huge amounts of birds are dumped" argument always comes up like it justifies 100% protection to these predators. I want some numbers so we can quantify how many birds are dumped and see wheather or not the term "huge amounts" is justified. Otherwise these claims are completely meaningless.


If 5% of all birds shot nationally are found to be being dumped by a total of say 2% of shoots nationwide, is the term "huge amounts" really justified? But we don't know do we.......... because the fact is, all these accusations are unsubstantiated, yet the anti BoP control lobby think it's acceptable to use it as an argument to punish the entire industry, professional and amateur.

In the same line of thought, I'd like to know what percentage of pheasants get killed by BOP to see if control is justified. I'd be suprised if its more than gets killed on the road.
There it is..lol.."more get killed on the road"....yes they do, but there's nothing that can be done about that. Whereas there can be something done about controlling BOP numbers.......thank you!

Born is saying BOP killing pheasants is only the start of it. One flying about the pens is also bad news. Where do we draw the line regarding not wanting to scare your pet birds. Do we start wearing slippers out a walk with the dogs, keep dogs on the lead at all times, go about whispering....... Honest mate, I know you guys think you own the countryside and we should all be grateful cos it would look different if you weren't there. But I'm willing to take that chance to be honest. You want to kill everything that threats your pets, I say f**k it, time to get rid. No other form of hunting is as sensitive as you lot. We all get on with it, we don't expect the country to bend to allow our sport.

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So what logic are we working to? If you haven't seen it and we can't provide photo evidence it didn't happen?


LOL, no that doesn't mean it didn't happen. This is the same as with the God thread, we say "you have no proof of God therefore why believe he exists?", they say "yeah, but you can't prove he doesn't". It's a pointless logic and nothing in our society is based on such a pointless logic. If I accused you of a serious crime, I would be expected to substantiate my claims with evidence, otherwise they are rightly considered utterly meaningless.


The reason I asked for proof, is because everytime BoP control is mentioned the "huge amounts of birds are dumped" argument always comes up like it justifies 100% protection to these predators. I want some numbers so we can quantify how many birds are dumped and see wheather or not the term "huge amounts" is justified. Otherwise these claims are completely meaningless.


If 5% of all birds shot nationally are found to be being dumped by a total of say 2% of shoots nationwide, is the term "huge amounts" really justified? But we don't know do we.......... because the fact is, all these accusations are unsubstantiated, yet the anti BoP control lobby think it's acceptable to use it as an argument to punish the entire industry, professional and amateur.

In the same line of thought, I'd like to know what percentage of pheasants get killed by BOP to see if control is justified. I'd be suprised if its more than gets killed on the road.
There it is..lol.."more get killed on the road"....yes they do, but there's nothing that can be done about that. Whereas there can be something done about controlling BOP numbers.......thank you!

Born is saying BOP killing pheasants is only the start of it. One flying about the pens is also bad news. Where do we draw the line regarding not wanting to scare your pet birds. Do we start wearing slippers out a walk with the dogs, keep dogs on the lead at all times, go about whispering....... Honest mate, I know you guys think you own the countryside and we should all be grateful cos it would look different if you weren't there. But I'm willing to take that chance to be honest. You want to kill everything that threats your pets, I say f**k it, time to get rid. No other form of hunting is as sensitive as you lot. We all get on with it, we don't expect the country to bend to allow our sport.


that's because its in the middle of the night somewhere you shouldn't be, and that's your best argument :laugh:

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