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Logun S16

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Hiya ppl whats your views on a logun s16 for target shooting?

I was shooting at our local range the other day and a bloke there had just bought one , think he was a bit hamfisted he had trouble with the mag relese catch then a pellet fell out of the mag and jammed it , after all that he kept working the bolt and was not closing the bolt fully on fireing so the pellet was not leaving the barrel he ended up with several pellets up the barrel and that was an end to his days shooting , I would not have one now after seeing him bugger it up if I was you I'd get an s4OO or s41O much better IMHO ATB Mike
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Hi there


If the logun mk2 carbine is anything to mark it by I would say "utterly unbelievable gun". The S16 seems to get a lot of stick for some reason, admittedly it is not the finest PCP on the market and this is reflected in the price but if your looking for a reliable PCP ideal for plinking and ratting this gun is for you, why take a 1200 pound daystate ratting or plinking :)


Hope this sort of helps :)



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I'm not sure about the later models , but as standard with no work done to them, they are considered one of the most unreliable guns around, everything magnum mike has said is not just a ham fisted guy it's a regular thing, pellets jamming , mags not cycling properly , bolts sticking and mags dropping out in the field never to be found again. There is a customiser called the logunator who could sort out 90% of these problems but it'll cost ... As Nathan said they are cheap compared to a daystate but there's also plenty out there at the same price with less reliability issues.

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If it was up to me, I would put a tiny bit more money and buy a BSA ultra, this gun is is a treat for small vermin and worth every penny, iv owned one along side my hw97kt as a pcp backup and I havnt experienced any issues in 2 year.

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