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Whats best, opinions please


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Hi all, I've a fair bit of ferreting, shooting etc but have never used a longnet. Im interested in getting one so what should i get? Would be used at night and also to compliment the ferrets on open burys. Any tips or gear advice to avoid hideous tangles would be appreiciated too! Thanks

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Hard question to answer but as a rule it down to personal preference. I like to use hand make hemp nets but many use nylon and cotton and so on. I think many people will advise you to read a book or two and then you will have a better idea on what type of net to make or buy and the size length /mesh size depth of net.


I would personally start with as short net to start so that you get some experiance on picking up the nets. I never use nets over 50 yards unless it's a quickset or a drop net type.


If any of what i have said doesn't make sence read a book. or trawl the threads


Regards Roger.

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I would'ent splash out on a quick set net straight away, at least untill you know its something that will be used and compleament your ferreting

I was lucky enough to be given a 100yd long net, have ordered a set of end pins from molecatcher, and picked up some poles from e bay, so so far my outlay has been £30

I am toying with the Idea to turning the 100yd'er into 2x 50yds nets, as I have enough poles for both, an Im sure as a novice they will be easier to handle

I attended a ferreting day at the NFR and was shown the quickset system with basket and yup it looks great, but at around £175 plus I reckon that can wait to become an xmas pressie to myself :thumbs:

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I would'ent splash out on a quick set net straight away, at least untill you know its something that will be used and compleament your ferreting

I was lucky enough to be given a 100yd long net, have ordered a set of end pins from molecatcher, and picked up some poles from e bay, so so far my outlay has been £30

I am toying with the Idea to turning the 100yd'er into 2x 50yds nets, as I have enough poles for both, an Im sure as a novice they will be easier to handle

I attended a ferreting day at the NFR and was shown the quickset system with basket and yup it looks great, but at around £175 plus I reckon that can wait to become an xmas pressie to myself :thumbs:


Think you could be right there stubby! I will go for a 50 yd basic net i think. I've heard of people use electric fencing stakes as poles is that a good idea? Got to be lighter than hazel? Wheres the best placeto get one, Deben?

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yup, thats exactly what I picked up off e bay, a bundle of electric rabbit fencing, inc poles 27" full length, with a 6" steel tip, so the net will be set at around 21" some may say thats a little low, but at £16 for 26 poles, it'll do to get me started








and so easy to push into hard ground :thumbs:

FOR SALE; 1 roll electric rabbit fencing, minus poles

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