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Down With Big Philp K Few Of His Coursing Dogs

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She in good form  


Was down with big Philip k and big paddy yesterday good old stories told some interesting ones as well enjoyed the crack and banter with him,proper old school hunter,I got few pictures of some of his

  On 30/03/2014 at 18:03, gorger said:

So why not pick up the phone then or answer the txts and why not show the pms in jan when we cuda sorted it. Everyone see ur game jim dosnt work me pal

john your changing your tune in an eariler post you said that i was sapposed to ring you now your trying to change it by saying you txt me and i didnt answer come on john stop makeing yourself look stupid, and a lier, ppl know the truth now john so just leave it at that

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  On 30/03/2014 at 15:55, gorger said:

BM has for kc I already said he had lots on in eng were he lives now be honest who wud wana come to ire. As for me don't go sticking ur chest out on the site now its april you wanted run in oct when hares were shit. I told ya that in ur pm I'd run xmas week. Your words your bitch comes into season so either early nov or after jan. When you know hares are shit. I told ya get back to me in dec I never heard another word from you. Your a diifernt guy on the phone compared to the site. So you wana chat ring me stop being a fanny.

this what you wrote, your lies are catching up with you

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You see you want leave it at that cause you know ur being a fool as in earlier post when I said why didn't you ring well isn't that what you do if you see someone has rang ya. Your just a messer jim everyone can see that even ur mates say it. You've told lies all your time I know you. You brought me down told me place you had was ok. EW told me you knew 4 dogs were shot on it. You said come down for a hunt you arrive 7 mates not 1 dog between yous. If you were so keen as you seem now then you wuda made sure you got in touch. I just took you for a messer which you are. You on here sayong best hares are in dublin ur only up there no more than 5 times ur hunting salukis 14 years shows the hares you run. As for lying jim you invented the word. You deliberly didn't get in touch cause you were scared you doing it now throwing up pms knowing its april nothing can be done shows the man you are. As for my bully post prove me wrong let me know when someone goes over to run bully on his own land. I know ths much you diffnitly won't.

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  On 30/03/2014 at 18:03, gorger said:

So why not pick up the phone then or answer the txts and why not show the pms in jan when we cuda sorted it. Everyone see ur game jim dosnt work me pal

put up the pms if you have them just like i just done, thats proves it, but there be no pms because you never sent me any and you know that

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  On 30/03/2014 at 18:11, louth tiger said:


not worried BM said you wanted to match kc was just wondering what dog you were gona run tilly with,I don't put clips up here don't want another fone call threatening me to have my dogs robbed now do I LT
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Ou see jim I've told ya in last phone call I don't do pms I ring ya if you lived closer I'd call ur door so only way is ring ya not hide behind a computer. I'm sick ringing ya ur like a hard man on comp but on phone ur wee boy. Just like few month back when you mixed with jimmy and tommy M I rang ya you denied the lot so I asked you was tommy a liar or jimmy you said they must be. So irang jimmy nxt day he said you diff said it. Which proves ur a liar a mixer. I bet ya you deny this lol. Your mates even pm me tell me how much jealous you are of me ur only into dogs few year. So run along I've bigger fish to fry than a messer than you. So this winter you know what uve to do

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  On 30/03/2014 at 18:27, gorger said:

You see you want leave it at that cause you know ur being a fool as in earlier post when I said why didn't you ring well isn't that what you do if you see someone has rang ya. Your just a messer jim everyone can see that even ur mates say it. You've told lies all your time I know you. You brought me down told me place you had was ok. EW told me you knew 4 dogs were shot on it. You said come down for a hunt you arrive 7 mates not 1 dog between yous. If you were so keen as you seem now then you wuda made sure you got in touch. I just took you for a messer which you are. You on here sayong best hares are in dublin ur only up there no more than 5 times ur hunting salukis 14 years shows the hares you run. As for lying jim you invented the word. You deliberly didn't get in touch cause you were scared you doing it now throwing up pms knowing its april nothing can be done shows the man you are. As for my bully post prove me wrong let me know when someone goes over to run bully on his own land. I know ths much you diffnitly won't.

when ye came to galway we didnt bring any dog because we wanted to get ye as many runs as possible and we all wanted to see this internet legend run LOL needless to say we wer less than impressed but thats for another day, the hares i run proved 2 good for your hero john and you know that, your a clown and every 1 in ireland know that theres not 1 man in ireland rates your dog bar your mates whys that, now we could go on all nite with silly comments but you know the truth you wer afraid to run, the reason this is brought up now is because your putting every man and dog in ireland so i taught it was time to tell you a few home truths, but you dont understand the word truth, what about time you went up to louth your dog ran 5 and killed 1 you went around the country telling ppl your dog killed 3 out 5 now your own good friend told me that face to face and he was laughing his arse off at you..

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  On 30/03/2014 at 18:45, gorger said:

Ou see jim I've told ya in last phone call I don't do pms I ring ya if you lived closer I'd call ur door so only way is ring ya not hide behind a computer. I'm sick ringing ya ur like a hard man on comp but on phone ur wee boy. Just like few month back when you mixed with jimmy and tommy M I rang ya you denied the lot so I asked you was tommy a liar or jimmy you said they must be. So irang jimmy nxt day he said you diff said it. Which proves ur a liar a mixer. I bet ya you deny this lol. Your mates even pm me tell me how much jealous you are of me ur only into dogs few year. So run along I've bigger fish to fry than a messer than you. So this winter you know what uve to do

your a mixing prick you do that all the time try bring other ppl in to you arguments because your a coward yourself, plese tell what the f**k is the diffrence between the computer and fone?? your still going to be half way down the country, if you want to meet me tell me place and time and you see what the outcome will be, it would have been the same if you had the guts to run me last winter you would have also seen the outcome of that, il be ready next winter for any your internet legends, like this panther didnt you pull out of the comp with captain you put of pics of her on the kitchen table and tryed to say you wer at the vets LOL what a f***ing joke shop of a man you are

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I don't think so jim when I was down with you on 28th dec lucas run 3 kilt 2 is that not right missed 1 hare. Now its clear the truth hurting you lucas speaks for himself loads men seen him I've just realised a dvd of him at 6 year old ur opinion of lucas is zero to me cause uve just admiteed ur only hunting good hares 2 years lol. Why don't we clear this up for once jim you just can't stomach that lucas is good you used him you know I know what you said about the bboys dogs from drogeda but I keep that for a bit yet. Your also seething when I kindly minded ur bitch looked after her put my dog on her drove to balbriggan 90 miles away to give you her back. You were fuming that during time I had her excerising a hare jumped she stood watching it run away. That ur gripe since then you've dona all you can get back at me ur failing miserably cause ur a messer.

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