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Down With Big Philp K Few Of His Coursing Dogs

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She in good form  


Was down with big Philip k and big paddy yesterday good old stories told some interesting ones as well enjoyed the crack and banter with him,proper old school hunter,I got few pictures of some of his

Blue lucas first run 2 mins. His end run 4 mins his 3rd run 3 mins. And BM there might be dog in ire but its who got the balls go over and match him jack has stated he run anyone so if you know anyone I've jacks number ring him and match him nxt winter. I'm stating now I don't see it happening so someone prove me wrong.

as iv said over and over theres plenty men in to matching and theres plenty not into matching does that mean they have no balls??? i dont go to england but if jack or kc with that top bitch wants a match here in ireland next winter il gladly have a run with them i said the same last winter to kc makattack can put on big land in cork if he wants or boys in louth put it on, as for running jack or kc in england that will have to come down to the few irish lads that go to england hunting

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right lads lets shoot from the hip no point beating around the bush, whats been said here, do ye think english dogs are better than the irish dogs? my dogs better than yours? im braveing than you? ect what are the points lads are trying to make but going in circles to make them just speak straight out what ye think

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80 percent lol but the 2 men that have them dogs are good lads



so in Ireland dogs are killing 8 outta 10 or over a season if they run 100 they kill 80 there d be no hare s left in Ireland lol


I seen 2 English bred dogs run ireland this seaon and they both killed 80% what was put in front of them

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Nans that time I turned up to run you. When everyone was in garage at castlebellingham. Templekingking. Big E tommy c. Loads more you didn't know what dog I had as you never turned up ffs even duck said you were embarassment. Now don't start ruining topic with childesh posts.

he herd i was there and the shit run down his legs :laugh::laugh:



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