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Golden Pheasant Or Lady Amherst

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Looking into getting the auld boy either a golden opr amherst pheasant and wondering if anyone knows any genuine dealers or have some for sale near dumfries? looking for year olds and unrelated cock and hen of either?


any help would be appreciated thanks.

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why not phone edinburgh zoo or such like as they might know where you might get a pair or try one of the common pheasant breeders as they sometimes hatch a few your better getting a few hens to the one cock bird as he might kill a single hen when in breeding condition atb in your search

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Hello mate I used to breed these a few year back the golden the smallest of the bread is nice to look at but the lady is stunning in full feather the cocks tail will grow to 1 meter with the Wight blue yellow feathers but mine would be the silver all day long it's not very flighty compared to the rest but on looks it's my number 1

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