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:thumbs:lads don't start this time year again enough is enough I try to put every bite I get on cam its not easy as you now cam to the ground I show every thing I get more than lot puts up


I'd say that's pure shite why you need to test your dog in England if you need to test your dog man to test your dog be Louth tiger proper long ears and proper land,and no bother to give them 100 yard

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Captain no one is running the topic.Its an open forum and its a debate. If we all run the same dogs or like the way every dog runs how boring it would be.Speedie the dogs are not getting slower because you could not get slower then black Ned.You said before anything that as more then half Saulki would be no good for Ireland once again your proving wrong.P king who all you men say he's a top breeding did a lot for irish coursing why he bring in full Saulki to his yard?????To compare the hares across the water to a hare here is just wrong.Any hare run enough will test a dog.Its also a lot to do with the land the hares run on.Different land will bring different test for a dog.

Icey you know as much about a dog as a Pig knows about a holiday yer on here talking shite about dogs did yea ever have a dog that could lamp a rabbit not a mind turn a hare. Now i only come on here for a laugh now and again because most of the stuff on here is just that a laugh .Now im off do a bit a shopping :D:D


met ice man 2 times ,great young man no different to captain or any other young lad on here,plenty of fire in the lad an he does run his dogs,he loves the game,just sorry i could not have a day with him this year,but will do next season ,good luck icey lad. :thumbs: :thumbs:

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