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shotgun for a beginner

Guest tagwag

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can anyone advise me on the choice of a 12 bore shotgun for a complete beginner i am looking for a gun for a bit of rough shooting and maybe the odd session on clays, i would like not to spend too much on my first gun.also where are the best places to look for second hand shotguns?


any help appreciated



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I started shooting with a old bsa s/s i bought for £50 had to have the firing pins replaced which cost another 40 but still was a cheap gun if you want to do clays as well you may be better going for an o/u. I would reccomend baikal as a cheap maker of qaulity guns :good:

check your local gunshop dont worry about makes just get a gun that fits you and you feel comfortable with

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Ive had a Berretta 686 special very good but far too heavey for walked up sport.I also baught a Berretta Silver pigeon "field" earlier this year,didnt like it one bit :angry: .I now shoot a Franchi which is very light and fits me lovely. :good:

What ime saying is just because Millet likes Berrettas and i like Franchi,s doesnt mean you will.

In my opinion you want to get yourself to a decent gun shop and handle a few,better still try some of your mates on some clays and see what you like and what fits you!! :good:

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I got my first shotgun in February of this year due to the ban. I asked a few lads who know what they are on about and I'd decided on a Browning or Beretta so I went down the gun shop and got myself a 686 Special like what pegandgun had. Now I know nothing about shotguns but after walking around for years with a TX200, this 686 feels about as heavy as a badmington racket and it's lovely to shoot with. I am going to buy myself a cheapo job in the next few weeks just for hammering away at the pigeons so I suppose I'll be in a better position to make a judgement then.

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I had the 686 special stabs which is different to the 686.

The reason they are heavy numb nuts (millet) is because they are clay pigeon guns,which usually means loads of shots therefore heavier guns to take the constant recoil (commen sense). :icon_redface:

Ps.dont underestamate beef,after all you where shit scared of it not too long ago Mate :p

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  pegandgun said:
I had the 686 special stabs which is different to the 686.

The reason they are heavy numb nuts (millet) is because they are clay pigeon guns,which usually means loads of shots therefore heavier guns to take the constant recoil (commen sense).  :icon_redface:

Ps.dont underestamate beef,after all you where shit scared of it not too long ago Mate :p



millet was saying hed have knocked u out no probs :11:

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  pegandgun said:
I had the 686 special stabs which is different to the 686.

The reason they are heavy numb nuts (millet) is because they are clay pigeon guns,which usually means loads of shots therefore heavier guns to take the constant recoil (commen sense).  :icon_redface:

Ps.dont underestamate beef,after all you where shit scared of it not too long ago Mate :p



Peg.....mine is a 686 Special too mate. I don't find it heavy at all. Mind you when you are as big and tall as me and Millet :11: it's not a problem :D



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Guest Corkonian

Went shooting clays (olympic skeet) at the weekend for the first time - used my field version of the beretta teknys - if I hit 10 clays out of 70 I was lucky! :icon_redface::icon_redface:

Can't wait to go again though.


I lifted a few of the other lads guns and they were a savage weight for the size of them - the weight 'dissapeared' when you put it to the shoulder though.

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