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Whos Breeding What This Year??


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Yeah i can go round hers and pick her cocker bitch up....also got a couple of terrier bitchs i can take out of a mates but aint the same as having your own! Want a couple of pups i can get going over the summer and train them how i want and then add them to the other 3 in the season :)

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heres the little pack i can muster together at min out on saturday!!! the spaniel and two terriers are ok but as said they aint mine and if anything happened to them id feel a right kunt lol. im always worried the terriers are gonna f**k off on me so sometimes it can end up being more stress than its worth taking them out, plus when i get home and then have to walk them all back to theres its a bit of a pain in the arse when youve already done 10+ miles!!!













i just wish the cocker was mine so i could put my mates black terrier on it but my sisters having none of it :cray: lol


found a few litters online but there mainly pets and i aint in no rush as i want the right dogs if im putting the time and effort in to get a few seasons sport out of them........ :thumbs:

Edited by clipo
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X that cocker, deny all knowledge then step in as the good brother and rehome the litter. What's she gonna do? Hide your Xbox? Lol

kill me :laugh: its her pride and joy lol if anything happened like that she wouldnt speak to me again.........maybe worth the risk tho......... :hmm::D

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