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Material For Dog Run Floor

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a friend of mine has had to move into rented accommodation, and although he isnt supposed to have dogs, the landlord has kindly agreed that he can put up a kennel and run in the garden, but no dogs in the house. however, he is not allowed to put down a concrete base, so any suggestions? he doesnt want it to just become a mud pit, so is going to roof the run and thought about using a foot deep layer of sand or playbark.

any helpful advice welcomed, thanks

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I am trying to mull over the possibilities, pros and cons. Without a concrete base to hose down and drainage etc, hygiene is a priority. As the gafer suggests, slabs could work over sand. Sand acts as a soakaway and you still get to clean the slabs, sounds like a good compromise. Bark chippings are almost addictive to some dogs and they eat them like sweets. As well as that, they would soak up urine and be real disease carriers, I would avoid bark. I think slabs on sand with a reasonable drainage angle and a gutter leading to a separate sand and shingle soak away for washing down would be ok :thumbs:

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Slabs and I'd put cement in between each joint, and have a half pipe drainage in front of kennel then just dig a pipe into a soak away or put in in it drain, this will stop the piss going through the gaps in the slabs which will stink over a few weeks


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