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Allergies . . .

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Now i've never been allergic or intolerant to anything in my life. . . and always put it down to growing up running about outside, playing in the dirt, eating anything etc. Healthy immune system, good food blah blah.


Anyway, about a year ago, the doctors gave me a load of anti biotics for ages for something they mis diagnosed. Once i'd got it correctly sorted out etc, and the anti biopics stopped. . . I noticed my stomach was a bit f****d, didn't think much of it, but it didn't get better.


Long story short, i'm not allergic / intolerant to gluten and dairy. Bit of a f****r as i LOVE food. But as we cook pretty much everything from scratch it's not too bad. It's eating out that sucks.


Since i've been diagnosed with it and had to think about it, i've met a lot of folk who seem to not be able to eat certain foods, nuts, tomatoes, wheat, yeast, sugar. . . all kinds of shit.


So anyone else on here allergic / intolerant to anything? (Other than dickheads, muslims, antis etc etc)

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Ive got a mate whos allergic to fighting. He comes out in cuts and bruises.

Child intolerance .flares up around summer and christmas also police officers bring me out in a rash.

I have a peanut allergy, i like to play russian roulette with a packet of Revels...................

I haven't got an on going allergy or intolerance but one time that I ate some dark chocolate, Bournville, I got large blood blisters on the roof of my mouth. I've eaten it since no probs so it was a bit weird. Body chemistry mixed up at the time or something I guess :hmm:

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my eldest girl was having a terrible time in her early teens with bad stomach cramps and pains it took the doctors 2 years for her to be diagnosed with coeliac disease and has to eat glutton free food and ask resturants if they will cook meals from pans and pots that havent been contaminated with wheat products or it just kicks her stomach off

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My wife is highly and dangerously allergic to Synulox, the animal anti biotic, commonly given to dogs :laugh: ............... that is actually true, its the anti biotic that's in Synulox she's allergic to, but when my dog was on them, it gave me plenty of ammo for digs and insults, everyone's a winner :thumbs::laugh:

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