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Harriet Harman......

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Do you think someone should tell the daily mail that normal every day folk have known for years that the Labour Party is full of right on do gooders who think in a totally different way to the rest of humanity ?.............for more than 40 years they have been chipping away at traditional British ideas of decency, identity and lifestyle, seriously is anyone shocked ?

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but people keep voting for them wilf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just don't get it, they get sucked in by the lie that the labour party are the"working mans party" but in fact they are just otu to feather their own nests like all the rest, they all went to the same public schools as the tories, lib dems etc ffs, blair went to fettes - hardly the place for a working man!

at least the tories are more open about how they are robbing the voters!!!!!

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Harman, Dromney and Hewitt were part of the 60's and 70's looney left; extreme left wingers who thought EVERYONE had the same rights, this included gays, peado's, murderers, terrorists, etc. There convictions have not changed, they just don't shout about anymore. The Milliband brothers were brought up and indoctrinated in a Marxist household by a millionaire Marxist father who they adored and took everything he said as gospel. These are the people running the Labour party. They wan't a Marxist/Socialist European State, and the EU fits the bill perfectly for them. This is why they are for unlimited immigration and every closer ties with Europe, which they hope will culminate in a United States Of Europe, and the dissapearence of the Nation State. Anyone who votes for them should understand this. The Tories are much the same, as are the Libs; that is why my vote will go to UKIP or an Independent who's values most echo mine.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM2Ql3wOGcU&feature=player_detailpage Brigzy spot on, The European Union - the new soviet union......... labour are bad losers as well...


Excellent ...Shows their getting frightened..If they know they cant win the argument its time to resort to intimidation ...this is the true face of the EU , subtle at first then the big boot ..


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Harman, Dromney and Hewitt were part of the 60's and 70's looney left; extreme left wingers who thought EVERYONE had the same rights, this included gays, peado's, murderers, terrorists, etc. There convictions have not changed, they just don't shout about anymore. The Milliband brothers were brought up and indoctrinated in a Marxist household by a millionaire Marxist father who they adored and took everything he said as gospel. These are the people running the Labour party. They wan't a Marxist/Socialist European State, and the EU fits the bill perfectly for them. This is why they are for unlimited immigration and every closer ties with Europe, which they hope will culminate in a United States Of Europe, and the dissapearence of the Nation State. Anyone who votes for them should understand this. The Tories are much the same, as are the Libs; that is why my vote will go to UKIP or an Independent who's values most echo mine.


the Looney left and what about Harmans uncle? Lord Longford says it all really it runs in the family

Y.I.S Leeview

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Harriet Harmon is an arrogant unapologetic remorseless kunt who has through her lack of action knowingly assisted paedophiles to try and legitimise themselves.


I have never said this about anyone but I hope she gets painfully terminally ill sometime soon.


An absolute waste of space and a despicable disgusting individual.

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