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Fence Building....

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Right, following on the hedge extracting thread :laugh: I'm helping the mate build a fence where the hedge was. Now, he is putting a gate in front of the shed. This gate will be roughly 5 feet wide and 6 feet high. He reckons he's going to build the gate on the fence post, like you build the fence, is this possible? I would have thought it easier to build the gate on the ground then hang it :hmm:

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perfect tool for the job

Oh your building it from pallets.......well my advice is to do what you like, it will be f****d in a year....lol

they got carried away with all the free pallets......  

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Right mate not quite sure i fully understand what your on about,but iam a fencing contractor...so feck il give it a go.I have built fences for clients before who have boats/trailers etc that they might want to get in out occasionaly and you can build the fence as normal but make it so one section can be removed and put back for temp access etc,once back in place fence looks normal.

If access is required fairly often then build a proper robust gate and hang as normal,this can be hung of the last fence post if you have used robust posts and anchored them correctly.Do not cut corners on hinges etc use good quality hook and band hinges at least 50% of the gates width.You can get away with less but your only asking for greif further down the line,build it once and build it right.

Any questions bud feel free to pm and good luck!

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Your right. You build it on the ground mate. For that size gate you'd be better doing a double set. Does both hanging posts continue onto a fence?

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baw ----- you`ve got a fair bit of fence building to do on here.....i`m with lab when i did mine it was to heavy to swing off one gate post i ended up cutting it in half and hinging both sides use some good sized hinges and put 3 on save any sagging and make it on the floor...

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