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Terrier With Cough

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It could be the start of kennel cough which you usually find hits kennels most this time of year just as spring comes in. Just rest up the dog keep him away from your mates dogs for a few weeks and he'll be fine its usually harmless as long as you dont exsert the dog

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I see some of the old wives tales are cropping up.

Regarding giving a dog penicillin.

If you start giving the likes of a working terrier penicillin every time it has an ailment the dog will build up an immunity to anti-biotics.

In other words, when the dog really does need penicillin it wont work.


Houndsmen who have to deal with the cough will tell you that it just has to be let run it's natural course.

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I agree neil but if you have a kennel full of dogs and ones getting it here and ones getting it there it can drag on for weeks you just want it cleared up... I had it in my kennels last year for first time its a nightmare... I wouldnt be fussed on giving them penicillin for every nick and bump i agree

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I kept greyhounds for a number of years and they were prone to picking up kennell cough with been kennelled in different kennells at various dog tracks.There is a course of pills can be obtained from the chemist[forget what there called] but clear it up in a couple of days,also a spoonfull of honey helps them a lot.

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Just for the record and to lay this to rest for those that havnt a clue .Kennel cough is a VIRUS therefore no amount of antibiotics or other potions will touch it .Viruses have to be left to run their course .There is a jab recommended by some unscrupulous vets but it does f**k all .Talk to any hunt staff about it. Its better that all dogs in a yard get it same time or you will be forever shut up .No excercise when theyve got it 1]it makes the actual cough worse 2]it can spread to every dog they encounter .Keep your antibiotics for when it matters .

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I dont no how many dogs you have but when you have the amount of dogs i have in the kennels and a cough comes about you want it cleared quick you do what you thinks best and il do what i no

Edited by Irishman
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I dont no how many dogs you have but when you have the amount of dogs i have in the kennels and a cough comes about you want it cleared quick you do what you thinks best and il do what i no

Exactly my point mate .Let them all get it at once and you wont get it again for a long time.Seperate dogs and you will have it coming back again and again.Why do you think hound kennels are shut for the cough ,they mingle them all at once to get it over with as soon as pos.

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there s 20 dogs in this yard and as soon as its starts they all get a spoonfi]ul of benylin and it gone within the week fck all to shout about if you know what your doing trouble is most havent a clue thats why there on here asking questions

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