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Is Putin Sabre Rattling

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The way I see it, we can do f**k all about it. The Russians will do what they want........ Cos they can. It won't come to anymore than what scot says. The rest of the world are watching and on standby. If anything the west forced Russia to do what they did with as this un pish. The un is made up of shitebag nations who are getting too big for there boots. Do we really want America, Russia etc to see Europe as a threat? I know I don't, let it blow over, the country was in turmoil anyhow.

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This is all part of "The Great Game", as Rudyard Kipling termed it. It has been going on for over 200 years between Russia and the west, and is all about who controls Central Asia. We fought the Russi

We can now see the huge mistake our planners have made in thinking Russia wasn't a threat any more and that massive land wars were a thing of the past. Because they believed all future deployments wo

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spot on,the wheels will be turning already in that very scenario, seen a wee glimpse when the head of the ukraine,literally jumped ships in favour of russia lol


georgia putin was warned by the west to stop. what did he do,the exact opposite. best saying f**k all till its a direct threat to you.I agree though it does make us look weak,but im not ashamed or bothered about that mate, it was always the case, even the yanks with thier vast arsenal of weapons and technology.when it came down it it.we didnt poke the bear to much.


think we tolerate it more cause they tend to keep there business to the east. all those sattelite states in the eastern blok after the fall of the wall,the russians still kept a very close eye on those nations, im sure that wall was planned to go rught back up,if they felt need to,and if things went really pear shaped it still would,.

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we grabbed iraq,while putin the hawk watched on ;) call it regime change,war on terror but it was a land grab,and prob the biggest blatant theft of a countrys assets i have ever seen, turned an oppressed nation,with a good infrastructure,into a f*****g living hell for those people.


he must have pissed himself when we went into afghanastan,.


bah mate i enjoy a debate with you,but bad choice there,considering the wests behaviour in recent years.


its the east born,we will never understand those people,and there politics. untermench lol


I agree, Iraq and Libya were'nt exactly good examples to lead by. Still, does that mean you're happy to live in a world where suddenly that is acceptable? Where does it end? Like I said, NATO and the US held such military superiority for years that it has kept relative stability in two main regions. Now that superiority is lost stability is with it. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe everybody with a sovereign dispute will have a nice chat and sort it out over the phone.......... f**k knows :thumbs::victory:

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This is all part of "The Great Game", as Rudyard Kipling termed it. It has been going on for over 200 years between Russia and the west, and is all about who controls Central Asia. We fought the Russians over the Crimea 200 years ago, we invaded Afghanistan in the 1800's to put a buffer between the British Empire and Russia. The Russians invaded it in the 1900's , and we, (and the Americans), invaded it again in the 2000's ! The West is now trying to do it by stealth, the EU trying to get the Ukraine into the Western Sphere. Russia was never going to allow that, with it's military assetts in Crimea it needs to keep the whole of Ukraine under it's influence. If the Ukraine was to align with the EU, and Nato, Russia would have it's historical enemy, the West, on it's very borders. They rolled the tanks into Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland to stop this happening, but they are all Westernised now, and Putin may see the Ukraine as some sort of last stand to protect Russias borders, especially as he thinks the West hasn't got the will to resist militarily. Let him have the Ukraine, as far as I'm concerned, as all this "Great Game " will still be going on long after we are gone !

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The un is made up of shitebag nations who are getting too big for there boots.

Like who?


The french, lol had to say it malt


@born my happiness is what i make it, those clowns who we chose to let govern us.well sad to say,but the end game is in thier hands, frightning eh lol

in normal life we wouldnt let the c**ts run a bath,but they run our affairs

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This is all part of "The Great Game", as Rudyard Kipling termed it. It has been going on for over 200 years between Russia and the west, and is all about who controls Central Asia. We fought the Russians over the Crimea 200 years ago, we invaded Afghanistan in the 1800's to put a buffer between the British Empire and Russia. The Russians invaded it in the 1900's , and we, (and the Americans), invaded it again in the 2000's ! The West is now trying to do it by stealth, the EU trying to get the Ukraine into the Western Sphere. Russia was never going to allow that, with it's military assetts in Crimea it needs to keep the whole of Ukraine under it's influence. If the Ukraine was to align with the EU, and Nato, Russia would have it's historical enemy, the West, on it's very borders. They rolled the tanks into Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland to stop this happening, but they are all Westernised now, and Putin may see the Ukraine as some sort of last stand to protect Russias borders, especially as he thinks the West hasn't got the will to resist militarily. Let him have the Ukraine, as far as I'm concerned, as all this "Great Game " will still be going on long after we are gone !


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The un is made up of shitebag nations who are getting too big for there boots.

Like who?

The full UN is getting too big for its boots. You want me to list the nations in it that would be no good if Europe went to war lol?

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I did a live fire battalion ex in Ukraine in 2001 or 02 I think; and the Ukrainans were cutting about in HIPs with leaky fuel tanks and knackered trucks. Definitely not first rate military kit like the Russians have been building up.


It's hypocritical that America gets to choose when it's ok to invade.


I shall however sit down and watch Red Dawn. Woooooolllveeeerrriiiines!

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This is all part of "The Great Game", as Rudyard Kipling termed it. It has been going on for over 200 years between Russia and the west, and is all about who controls Central Asia. We fought the Russians over the Crimea 200 years ago, we invaded Afghanistan in the 1800's to put a buffer between the British Empire and Russia. The Russians invaded it in the 1900's , and we, (and the Americans), invaded it again in the 2000's ! The West is now trying to do it by stealth, the EU trying to get the Ukraine into the Western Sphere. Russia was never going to allow that, with it's military assetts in Crimea it needs to keep the whole of Ukraine under it's influence. If the Ukraine was to align with the EU, and Nato, Russia would have it's historical enemy, the West, on it's very borders. They rolled the tanks into Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland to stop this happening, but they are all Westernised now, and Putin may see the Ukraine as some sort of last stand to protect Russias borders, especially as he thinks the West hasn't got the will to resist militarily. Let him have the Ukraine, as far as I'm concerned, as all this "Great Game " will still be going on long after we are gone !


Same sort of thing has been going on since men started living together in groups. There are countless Iron Age forts round here, each one built to guard it's own bit of land from its neighbours.. This is a battle between new and old, the new weapon of choice and way to wield influence is money. Russia has responded with the old, blunt weapons in this battle because it can't compete with the EU using the new ones.
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i dont even take american foreign policy serious,its ridiculous,and sad to say ours is getting just as laughable.


haig saying there will be consequences and sanctions. then the press got a sneaky photo of some minister coming out downing street carrying official papers,saying uk wont impose sanctions. lol


I mean there that thick they dont even hide there documents.

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The un is made up of shitebag nations who are getting too big for there boots.

Like who?

The full UN is getting too big for its boots. You want me to list the nations in it that would be no good if Europe went to war lol?

Some pretty powerful military's in the EU mate, and two nuclear armed countries.. We could field a force between us that would be a match for any IMO..
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I heard on the radio there, Russia has stopped military exercises at the border and told them to get back to base. Probably regrouping for an all out attack :laugh:


WE'RE ALL DOOOOOOOOMED. If only milliband didn't make us look so weak :rolleyes:

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