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Is Putin Sabre Rattling

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This is all part of "The Great Game", as Rudyard Kipling termed it. It has been going on for over 200 years between Russia and the west, and is all about who controls Central Asia. We fought the Russi

We can now see the huge mistake our planners have made in thinking Russia wasn't a threat any more and that massive land wars were a thing of the past. Because they believed all future deployments wo

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How much of our gas comes from Russia? :hmm: I know 25% of it comes in LNG tankers from the Middle East because it passes within about a mile of my house and gets pumped out at terminals up the haven from me.


The West can condemn and bluster all they want, they showed their hand over Syria. Russia will take not a blind bit of notice because we look weak and our rhetoric hollow. The Russian people are loving it and I think it don't bode well for the future. We've seen what can happen in the past when a country gets emboldened on a national level and is appeased for a long time.. It won't end well IMO..


About 30% of Europe's gas does.


Guess it's the BBQ to cook on for me then lol does dried dog shit work well as a fuel substitute? :laugh: :laugh:

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The un is made up of shitebag nations who are getting too big for there boots.

Like who?
The full UN is getting too big for its boots. You want me to list the nations in it that would be no good if Europe went to war lol?
Some pretty powerful military's in the EU mate, and two nuclear armed countries.. We could field a force between us that would be a match for any IMO..

Right..... So you think we could take on Russia and china? Seriously? Can picture it the now, right us and the Germans take the left flank, Italy and France, you cover us, ok lads lets go..... Lads.......LADS!!!!


Dig up Thatcher and tell the Russians she's back :laugh: :laugh: She was THEE only leader in the last 150 years that they have actually feared :yes: They knew any funny business and she WOULD push that red button :laugh:

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Russia gave up its empire because like all empires it became to big and costly to run , the old gaurd left a poorly equipped army navy and air force. , they kept the base at the crimear because its there only warm sea port. The have no were near the punch that the soviets were. The have a conscripted force still , putin had every right to do what he has done , lets say Scotland went indi Then surrounded. Faselane and some one over threw eck lol. Would the rest of the uk sit back , the yanks dived into haiti , Iraq twice , afgan and dont care what any one says , the bear has been getting pocked for years. He has had a little growl , we have put puppets in worse places than the crimear , the russian just want there man back in power , its their nighbour , most speak russian and are pro russian , as for sanctions freeze putins bank accounts abroad lol and his buddy the king of chelski

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Everything is "strategic"; we don't keep the Falklands and Gibraltar because we love the people, it's because thy are strategic. Same as our sovereign bases in Cyprus, strategic. Accension Island is ours, but we rent it out to the Yanks as an air base. Russia has sovereign air and naval bases in Crimea, so why shouldn't, they defend them ? If Russia tried to take over Cyprus, as the EU are trying to do with Ukraine, wouldn't we be pissed off ?

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America should keep out of it

It's fook all to do with them

It's fook all to do with us

It's fook all to do with NATO

Russia did not interfere with us lot re Afghanistan

Iraq' the Arab uprisings

Somalia ect ect

Ukraine till not long ago was part of the USSR

Let that region sort it's own problems


Then again it could be all Orcesteated to push up the price of oil and gas once more ?


Watch the 4 Horsemen Documentary


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