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How To You Disguard Your Rats.

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I'm sure your local market sells shovels cheap enough to take one with you.

I got a shovel its finding somewhere to bury them im not sure the farmer would be happy me digging up his land to bury dirty rats in lol.


there his dirrty rats just tell him cheeky kunt wants you to take em away would`nt chuck a load in my van or take em home to dispose of..

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Could you not ask the farmer? I'm sure he'd be happier you burying them on a designated plot of the land or to bin them for you than to have an infestation.


I guess a last resort if burying or burning isn't practical would be to chuck them in a bin bag whilst you're out and put them at the bottom of your wheelie bin once you're home.


I wouldn't do anything stupid with them as it could land you in a bit of trouble should you be caught.

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If your not getting paid for it. Then tell the cheeky tw*t to dispose of them.

Ok. Perhaps not so much in them words for fear of you loosing your permission but I would be having a word to come to some sort of compromise.

Could there not be a midden or a private dumping hole you can wang them in?

Lol. Cheeky fecker.......come and deal with my rodent problem and take your spoils home!!

You may be getting charged next for the privelidge.....!!

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If your not getting paid for it. Then tell the cheeky tw*t to dispose of them.

Ok. Perhaps not so much in them words for fear of you loosing your permission but I would be having a word to come to some sort of compromise.

Could there not be a midden or a private dumping hole you can wang them in?

Lol. Cheeky fecker.......come and deal with my rodent problem and take your spoils home!!

You may be getting charged next for the privelidge.....!!

If that's the case, you could work for me, anytime ;) I won't charge you much lol

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So I take it that none of you take them with you lol. Ill see what he says when I go up next week, your right though like f**k are they going in my car haha. Just trying to keep him happy my first proper big perm so want to hold on to it, we know how hard they are to get.

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