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Protection Collar

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Is this the right place for this?


Am showing it, not selling it, so I hope it's ok here.


Please if there's any price enquiries etc, can it be by PM, I don't want to be getting in trouble!








Collar is 4" wide, 3 layers thick, which I think would protect from most teeth?


It was made to order so will report back when it has been "tested", hopefully it will be a good report!



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i like how ya said i am showing it not selling it then go on to say "Please if there's any price enquiries etc, can it be by PM"lmfao...i thought ya wern't selling it...anyhow like wise send me one over here to australia and i'll test it out and pass the word around.plenty of pig chasers over here

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Hi Stabs

The collars that you put up look nice and flexible, do you use the on your running dog? I have fire hose collars for my staghounds but I think they are a bit to heavy for them and restrict them a bit to much. I have been looking for something better a while now. stevemac

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I haven't ran my lurcher on pigs yet mate so I've never ran her with the collar on. It's extremely light and my mate (FJager) made them for me in 2002 for other things I was running in another country. I would recommend them to anyone mate as they are tough as and as I say, very light. I will be using them on pigs very soon, but my bitch is just about to drop pups so I've not been doing much with the dogs recently.

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