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Wolf Hunting.

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I really should know better but like a fly to a bit of fly paper I couldn't resist and hey presto I was right all along and now I am kicking myself.  I have been swerving this thread on purpose all d

Proper hunting By that I assume you are talking about "impressive" and dangerous animals. To me proper hunting is a mindset of respect for the quarry and being in nature, not just standing on the sid

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Yeh,,, I know,,, it's something I can quite get my head round,,,,I hate unnessery cruelty to animals,,, there's just no need,,, I don't even like karate chopping rabbits,,, I only ever chin....


But I really like watching the bull fights on Spanish Telly,,,and feck me it is cruel,,,mind you I really love watching the matadors getting bounced by a big old bull,,,lol


I know I'm a hypocrite,,,,,

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Yeh,,, I know,,, it's something I can quite get my head round,,,,I hate unnessery cruelty to animals,,, there's just no need,,, I don't even like karate chopping rabbits,,, I only ever chin....


But I really like watching the bull fights on Spanish Telly,,,and feck me it is cruel,,,mind you I really love watching the matadors getting bounced by a big old bull,,,lol


I know I'm a hypocrite,,,,,

I don't like it mate. I don't even like bucking broncos lol. Maybe because I know the horse has had a bit of leather tied round it's balls tightened to make it buck. But bull fighting is cruel with no real need to be. It's a feat being able to stand facing a charging bull with only a piece of material for safety, best leaving it at that then id watch it.

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Never been to a bull fight so don’t feel qualified to judge and I’ve never been a trophy hunter per se but I do admit to taking some gratification in my dogs taking notable animals, in the days of yore when I had dogs that took larger quarry legally, I would be happy if one took an early Roe buck with a good head etc. As the youngster of the year at the doe’s heel, of any of the native deer species, would be better eating and easier for the dog preference for the buck has an element of trophy hunting. So I can see some common ground but to me the difference is the reason for setting out, I set out to take a deer for the larder rather than a trophy for the wall. But at the end of the day it’s about showing a united front so if trophy hunting is someone’s thing I will support their right to hunt.

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Yeh ,,,I'm deffo a trophy hunter,,,,, if a see a black rabbit when I'm out,,,, all common sence goes out the window,,,,and I'm on it's case

:laugh: that's true, to the point your actually planning how your gonna get it :D

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