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The Saluki Cross....

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Without (can't be arsed) wanting to trawl back a few pages LOL

Baw, have you never seen a collie cross boxing a hare/any quarry?


Serious question?

If not, you've seen feck all IMO.


Cheers, D.

It's a pity you couldn't be arsed reading the thread cos if you had, you'd realize it's snoop dog who is saying salukis box hares and says what other breed can do that. So it's snoop dog who doesn't think any other breed can.


So snoop dog, Dytkos reckons you've seen f**k all :laugh:

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7/8 saluki grey  

some saluki crosses can very highly strung .hard to train. so can alot of other crosses .a good dog man can train any dog. some are harder then others.that is true.the biggest mistake is folk not tr

A thick dog couldn,t catch hares on a regular basis .why is the saluki cross the best hare dog ?because it hasnt only got a serious amount of wind it also has brains it can run within itself when ne



Salukis are thick. I've never heard a breed of dog get so many excuses for its traits like the saluki does. It isn't thick, it'll only do something if it feels its worth doing :laugh: it's nothing to be embarrassed about, greyhounds are notoriously dumb too we all use them. A mixture of both saluki and greyhound results in one dumb ass dog :laugh: as for saluki are that clever they box hares and no other breed does..... Err that's cos they are that f*****g slow. Other breeds go up the gears to exert pressure on the hare to turn it when it's getting close to an escape route. All of a sudden cos the saluki isn't that close to the hare or has that turn of speed, boxing is clever :laugh:

hell this could turn into along post but im going to try and keep it as short as i possibly can..i know you know baw .you aint as daft as you make out to be but for the young lads i will say this .fast is great and going up the gears is great but doing so when the hare is near cover can also loose you a lot of hares .a dog getting itself between the cover and the hare is a far more clever dog .i.e = brains cutting the hare from its plan A route (because as soon as that hare lifts it has a plan it knows where it wants to go. a fast dog going up the gears near cover only has to make one mistake and the hare gets a few yards its gone .if the dog pushers the hare out back into the open the and keeps the hare from going to plan A. confuses the hare then the hare has to depend on its wits speed stamina and and brilliant turning abilty(tricky fookers)thats when the saluki x comes into its own like i said running with in itself .if brought on properly they will ajust there style of running e.g ,small land ..they will keep the pressure on .on the big land some dogs know that this hare aint no dummy and run within itself .not like them daft fooking ulta fast dogs that go in for the kill straight away it will work with some hares but they will end up missing more then the catch over a season . A porch is fast but if it aint got a steering wheel or brakes its na fooking good and going flat out all the time it WILL RUN OUT OF GAS AND NOT DO HALF AS MANY MILES TO THE TANK. :whistling:baw i have 6 words for you .(do not under estimate saluki power.) they are by far the best hare killers on the planet.no ifs .and no buts.can you tell i have a nice bottle of merlot. :cheers: .

I'm gonna contradict myself here :laugh: you know it's all a giggle ;) but the smartest dog I had that could read a chase was an English bull cross. He was uncanny at knowing which way the hare was wanting to go and like defender will show a right footed winger the inside, he'd force the hare away time and time again. This wasn't on ground he knew, I had no permission back then but he was one clever clever dog.

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the bullx knew where the hare wanted to go usually straight lining it I suspect eh Baw :laugh::thumbs:

Straight as a f***ing arrow :laugh: I used to slip the dog and say that was some slip easy 50 yards, now it's 60......70........80:laugh:

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I'm amazed after all these years,,, folk are still biting at your saluki threads,,,lol,,,,


That's said,, I nearly did earlier on in the thread,,,ha ha

:laugh: I know mate, mental eh :laugh: it's not the same as the old days though, they used to really bite then. All I needed to say was that dogs gorgeous and booooom :laugh:

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