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The Saluki Cross....

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7/8 saluki grey  

some saluki crosses can very highly strung .hard to train. so can alot of other crosses .a good dog man can train any dog. some are harder then others.that is true.the biggest mistake is folk not tr

A thick dog couldn,t catch hares on a regular basis .why is the saluki cross the best hare dog ?because it hasnt only got a serious amount of wind it also has brains it can run within itself when ne


infact baw I have a lining planned later on this year where im going to be keeping a pup for myself.if you want a pup let me know.these will be saturated with saluki.

they will work out at least 7/8ths saluki.and I will be running on very small fields and big land as well ..hopfully these will do the job..its all a risk these breeding malarkey but he who dares wins :D

7/8th saluki!!! Honest mate, the shudder up my back there must have been felt nationwide :laugh: thanks for the offer an that but......... :D


to be honest i thought you would be up for a challenge .now i don;t want you moaning and complaining next year saying i got offered one off these pups of snoop.ect ect .. :D

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she died jumping a hedge in pursuit last seen sailing 20 ft above the hedge she just cleared before a sickening crunch, broke my heart, she cost me my remaing hair of me head that bitch did, she was bred down from cruise junior, her litter brother was cloud that Kipper bought, wild as fook but killed me tons of hares, loved chasing trains as well, only surprise it was a car not atrain that killed her

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she died jumping a hedge in pursuit last seen sailing 20 ft above the hedge she just cleared before a sickening crunch, broke my heart, she cost me my remaing hair of me head that bitch did, she was bred down from cruise junior, her litter brother was cloud that Kipper bought, wild as fook but killed me tons of hares, loved chasing trains as well, only surprise it was a car not atrain that killed her

sorry to hear that pal :( but atleast she went out doing something she enjoyed.....;)


Ive only ever seen one heavliy bloodied saluki cross run (think both her parents were 3/4 saluki if i remember right) and f**k me that bitch could run!!! She was black and tan but smooth coated all over and i remember once we took her out over shropshire way and slipped her on a hare a fair distance away.....just to get up to the hare was some effort but to run it and catch they way she did was impressive to say the least :yes: i seen her run a good few times and every run she did well on....sometimes she looked as tho she wasnt trying but then she would just nail the hare in style! Id slip my own bitch on the same land (big open fields) and she struggled big time and her success rate was shite compared to the saluki bitch but on smaller fields or on the lamp my bitch had the upper hand! There style dont suit everyone but on some land there is just nothing out there to touch them imo....well if there is its not doing aswell as the saluki in this country....:hmm:

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she was a fruit loop of a dog to be honest, seen her chase train for miles and set off after her to find her limping home feet covered in blood from running the asphalt and rough paths alongside the line, she taught me a lot about patience with dogs and made me a better dogman and trainer, put up with a lot of shit from her but what a bitch , I could forgive her for anything cos of the way she run, 100% commitment every time she was off leash cost her dear in the end , enjoyed every minute of her whilst it lasted, doubt all ever cry as much again in me life , did not stop crying until she was buried, got me out of digging the hole though

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she was a fruit loop of a dog to be honest, seen her chase train for miles and set off after her to find her limping home feet covered in blood from running the asphalt and rough paths alongside the line, she taught me a lot about patience with dogs and made me a better dogman and trainer, put up with a lot of shit from her but what a bitch , I could forgive her for anything cos of the way she run, 100% commitment every time she was off leash cost her dear in the end , enjoyed every minute of her whilst it lasted, doubt all ever cry as much again in me life , did not stop crying until she was buried, got me out of digging the hole though

sounds as if she was a good as she looked mate :thumbs: what do you think caused the train chasing tho???
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