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got myself an 80!

danny boi

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got my self an hw 80 yesterday think it was a bit of a steal.


hw80k sling fleece lined gun bag rws 4x40 scope an 2 simmons scopes and a little clip on bi-poddy thing 80 quid am chuffed with that!


gonna swap aome scopes around get it zeroed an crack on my new permission wich has been recently aquired through a friend of a friend.




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took my new baby to the local gun shop on saturday to sort out a scope change got it chroneyd an lets just say it pushin over the odds! so left it with him an he's going to sort it for me.


it will probably take a week or 2 he said hes got to pass it on to another guy but once i get it there should be a massive dent in the bunny population on my newly aquired permission!!!!lol :hunter: :hunter:




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  danny boi said:
took my new baby to the local gun shop on saturday to sort out a scope change got it chroneyd an lets just say it pushin over the odds! so left it with him an he's going to sort it for me.


it will probably take a week or 2 he said hes got to pass it on to another guy but once i get it there should be a massive dent in the bunny population on my newly aquired permission!!!!lol :hunter: :hunter:






Danny, they are about the easiest guns around to work on, you should have just bought a original HW spring and changed it yourself, even i can do it! :) Chances are if its running hot someone has put a Ox spring or similar in it. Really good guns, built like BMs.

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Im just in the middle of doing up an old HW50 in .177 its like the 80's little bro built like a tank easy to work on reliable and accurate too, this ones had a ox spring in it aswell but doesnt do it any good . looking forward to putting a standard spring in and a nice piston washer cleen it all up and have maney more years of fun :thumbs:

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