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Night Vision With Lamping

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Something's made them lamp shy mate, is it just you that lamps it?

no mate its my pals land and when i pass it to get to mine its like black pool lol its not kept and everyone and there granny goes on

I wouldn't run a pup on it mate and you might even sicken a veteran. I'd give it a body swerve if you can't control who lamps it.

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I know no ones mentioned it yet, and it might not be ideal for you guys ....BUT...over the years I've had to hunt heavily hunted land and I often found going at a later than average time would give be

lamping a art and shouldn't be changed

Also with this night vision bollock's.. for instance everthing is lamp shy so we need night vision.. :laugh: .. fooking jackpot we lamp 200 rabbit's with this pointles shit then what do we do when we

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Sound like kids asking questions not grown men ffs you know the lands shite and lamped to death so your going up there with night vision and catching 1 bunny, my opinion is get out and find more ground stop f***ing around like teenage boys or hang up your lamp

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It's ok if you are a shit shot with the lamp and gun and spook fook out of everything in the early day's by missing load's...but as far as bunnies and dog's go it is totaly unsporting in my eye's.. unless you intent to wipe a place out where a dog can't run.. DON'T like it and any other new shite on the market these day's.. if you can't do ok with a lamp white light or red filter you are doing something wrong.. ferret's would be my next option not something that make's a bad hunter look good..

Edited by Millet
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Millet night vision used right can be a useful tool for lamping with dogs it can be used to put more quarry infront of your dogs its not about making a bad hunter look good lol its not like theres bags of skill in lamping its pretty basic its about getting runs and putting stuff infront of your dog,my thought with gaffer is he sounds like an amateur having to ask questions about night vision and running ground he knows is run to death taking kit like night vision for a bunny sounds like kid stuff

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I don't like it and i never will.. our quarry has a hard enough time without science making it impossible for them to survive.. if we can't use field craft and the knowledge we have learned over the past decades..we really need to think of a different sport/hobby or pass time..

Night vision is for people in the number's game with no respect for our dog working life.. that's my view and i will not change..if it's for you then so be it..

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thats utter bollox some of the quarry we hunt (pre-ban) does not have that hard a time at all they have no natural predators in this country and theres alot of wank dogs out there lol and theres not alot of field craft to lamping jesus its not rocket science at all a decent biddable dog a lamp and abit of basic knowledge and lie of the lands all thats needed its not an ancient skill passed down that only a few have mastered lol and you say about science etc making it impossible for them to survive they never had high powered spot lamps and lit ion batterys a few decades ago if your that bothered why not do what they used to do and go out in the moonlight part of hunting is finding and edge over your quarry your arguments flawed in alot of ways my friend

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Something's made them lamp shy mate, is it just you that lamps it?

no mate its my pals land and when i pass it to get to mine its like black pool lol its not kept and everyone and there granny goes on


its the same round here mate thats why have to go further a field

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not everyones wanting to go out and get massive bags there just wanting a few runs for the dog if i went to a 5mile radius id be lucky to get 5 runs theres game there but soon as there spotted under the lamp there gone this time of year there not stupid september its a different story but when everythings been run to death there off nv wouldnt be too bad to get within range for a run n dont see the issue with it im from the same area n know what its like round ere everyones at it on the doorstep

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Can't see it being much use to be honest as for spotting wildlife after dark it's brilliant close range as the standard IR lamp/ led on most NV that normal people can afford are shite but if you bought a good IR illuminator that will extend vision massively! I base my opinions on a mid price range gen 1 monocular

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So go further afield andy, 5 miles is just lazy imo

i do mate was hypothetical mate travel like 30mile just to get there then another 100mile round trip back home but hes going local n im from the same area so no what its like soon as lamp comes on no matter wat colour filter there off

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So go further afield andy, 5 miles is just lazy imo

i do mate was hypothetical mate travel like 30mile just to get there then another 100mile round trip back home but hes going local n im from the same area so no what its like soon as lamp comes on no matter wat colour filter there off


it was all about trying to get a run for the dog as its very hard to do that they are so lamp shy everyone and there granny is at round s yorkshire i havn't done this method yet but i will give it a try if it fails then so be it its all about giving the dog a run on shite ground with very few rabbits on not nubers to me

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