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Night Vision With Lamping

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I know no ones mentioned it yet, and it might not be ideal for you guys ....BUT...over the years I've had to hunt heavily hunted land and I often found going at a later than average time would give be

lamping a art and shouldn't be changed

Also with this night vision bollock's.. for instance everthing is lamp shy so we need night vision.. :laugh: .. fooking jackpot we lamp 200 rabbit's with this pointles shit then what do we do when we

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Soon as ya put the lamp on they are off hitting the hedge nothing to do with the dogs at all managed one last night

Sounds like educated rabbits, that know the lamp spells danger, have you been lamping them too often, or have you lampers on your ground?

if the hedge has burys, maybe best ferreting it.

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Soon as ya put the lamp on they are off hitting the hedge nothing to do with the dogs at all managed one last night

Sounds like educated rabbits, that know the lamp spells danger, have you been lamping them too often, or have you lampers on your ground?

if the hedge has burys, maybe best ferreting it.


its my pals land this is the 2nd time i have been on with the lamp with him and i go past it to get to mine and there is all ways lampers on its not kept so its free rane it was hard work getting just the one last night

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