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Weihrauch Hw100T V Daystate Airwolf Mk3

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Hi Warwick,

I go to my local range weekly and hear all the chit chat and banter from hundreds of fellow air gunners be it target, hunter field, or hunting lads etc and the rule of thumb seems to be that the HW 100`s are trumping guns twice/ three times their price.

Also to note is that .177 cal is the most used cal ( at my club ) including most of the hunting lads, as head shots are the shots to take .


Hope that helped a little.


Edited by mark williams
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I have both mate coz im greedy LOL you wont go to far wrong with either hw100 bomb proof best magazine system out there and great value for money. Airwolf is a thing of beauty and superbly accurate as is hw100 when matched to the correct pellet ,trigger is amazing magazine is the weak link but if you seat the pellets its fine. tough choice mate.

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What a nice dilemma to have :hmm: both are cracking rifles and you won't go far wrong with either!


I have the HW100KT and have been lucky enough to shoot the Wolf too, very little between the pair but IMO i'd vouch for the Wolf although arguably the HW is somewhat a safer option but again it really is going to be a case of personal preference and what suits you best, both in looks and feel - good luck with your choice :laugh:

Edited by Gaz 177
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