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Went Out For A Goat

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Would an ex mod strecther do the job ?


Stigly; My only experience of " MOD Stretchers " has been in looking down on one, in a govt. surplus shop. Years ago.


They're cheap as chips. (If they did double ones, I'd buy one for the Dogs and I to sleep on!)


But; They're also full of wood and bits of metal. Completely extraneous to Jig's purpose. I mean; His lad and him are hardly intending to Medevac these stinking carcasses off the hill, are they? There'll be no nearby ambulance.


Buy one for the cheap canvass? Wrong shape. Buy two and stitch the canvasses together? Hellish hard work. And I'm not at all sure about the strength of canvass used anyway. I wouldn't.


No. Those stretchers were made for two men to carry a combat fit weighted man a relatively short distance. They wouldn't have factored in dragging the poor sod, across country, when they put out the tender for the canvas.


Tarpaulin ;)


just a tought ---- mountain rescue n all that ;)

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headed up the hill wednesday,as I havent been out for a bit.the weather this season was not on the side of the hunter and the trees felled up there has to be seen to be believed.As they are coniferou

this is the kind of shit we have to climb and move around when necessary,           pure shit country as you can see,lol

Taking from Pete's, up and coming book, "how to dispose of your Ex's body with ease volume 1"

hes not too bad i suppose,a bit more relaxed than me which is a good thing.hes enjoying his lurchers anyway.hopefully he'll stay with it for the rest of his adult life.He wont go to far wrong doing that.

Edited by jigsaw
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great right up jigsaw! look forward to more! get youself one of them sledges and get yourself a well bred american bull it will do the biz on the stinkers then pull them home for ya, mine pulled my five yr old girl round the feild for miles on a sledge just like that, 2 slip leads attached to her harness! or forget the bull get a sledge and get a harness for your lad!

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Hi pal just offering my thoughts on the truck canvas i use it as a boat cover an while its fairly tough id doubt it,d be upto bein dragged around i reckon it would tear on the first sharp thing it met aswell its fairly heavy for what it is and dont pack down to small either.

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Why not strap it's legs together thread a pole thru put one end on your shoulder the other on your boys

mickey and mark,that wouldnt work as you can be going up and down ridges and uneven surfaces,and believe me both hands would be needed to keep uprigt at the best of times.what happens if you got 2 to pull,lol

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Only the 2 jigsaw, hardly worth the effort :D cracking read pal. As for the tarpaulin debate lol. Even if it did work, it's going to be f***ing stinking of goat, can't see you using it twice. I'd butcher it as much as I could while gutting it. Head off, must weigh a good bit. Even if you do boil the brains for the dogs, is it worth the weight? Hocks off and front legs below the elbow, them hooves must weigh a bit too. Back legs cut off, in a havosack the rest rope round it and drag it. It would be a lot lighter.

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