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Deerhound/greyhound X Bull/greyhounds

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do you think the case of the deerhound x is that people just aint got the patience for 1 these days if a dog aint running the beam at 4 months old its no good ..

Can only speak for myself mines a good alrounder will tackle anything you want as many as you can give him hes not a hair dog but id never go hungry with him hes only 26" but used for everything

In my opinion, the problem with deerhoundX is 95% of the people that own them.   Lots being owned by show type people, or those wanting a 'scruffy looking lurcher'. Even the majority of the 'working

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Most certainly,no matter what cross or type there is about there will be good uns amongst the dross,anybody that's been out and about in company will at some time or another have seen good uns in all types?,some care not to cast aside the blinkers.I don,t care for many of todays breedings,especially Whippety,s and bull types,yet ive seen many of both id be happy to own,many id wheelie bin.Deerhound types are common enough for anybody who,s been in the game,even for a shortish time,to have come across a decent un,surely?.

Fraid not mate, iv been into dogs for years and seen many types and have the crosses that I favour but I have no way got blinkers on. The best deerhound cross I seen was mediocre at best the others were t even that good. Has it put me off? No! That's why I started the thread to find out who has the good ones and how they do
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i gave up pal, just couldnt find a deerhound cross that was consistantly doing the job i wanted a stud dog to be doing before i used him. the only one that sounded like it was decent was from a poster on here, unfortunatly that dog was KIA very lately...... other than him i dont know of any tried tested and performing deerhound stuff worth breeding from.....

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Who runs this cross and how do they turn out? Do they make good all rounders. I would guess so.[/ I have never seen a decent deerhound or cross have heard a lot of lads say they have them but have yet to see any I would feed ,could not see why anyone in their right mind would ruin a bull x by putting deerhound in
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Who runs this cross and how do they turn out? Do they make good all rounders. I would guess so.[/ I have never seen a decent deerhound or cross have heard a lot of lads say they have them but have yet to see any I would feed ,could not see why anyone in their right mind would ruin a bull x by putting deerhound in

Had great times with mine.

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Who runs this cross and how do they turn out? Do they make good all rounders. I would guess so.[/ I have never seen a decent deerhound or cross have heard a lot of lads say they have them but have yet to see any I would feed ,could not see why anyone in their right mind would ruin a bull x by putting deerhound in
I run dhx's all ways have and all ways will and they do me just fine
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