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Mole Trapping Some Questions

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yup i have a chip on my shoulder about the "guild" so deep i have to wear a tie to stop myself falling in half!

its just another group trying to be self proclaimed experts and entitles folk with very little moleing experience to then become ( by way of a bit of paper) certified mole catchers!?


i mean realy?!

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Everyone knows to achieve the title of Master Mole Catcher you must learn to levitate a mole out of the ground whilst blindfold and at the same time setting a trapline trap with your foot whilst balancing on the other and clenching a talpex trap between your lips with the trigger pin out. At least that's what the bad boys down at the Guild say. :thumbs:


Oh, and on Thursday I set 3 traps in a chaps garden and this morning I had 2 soggy moles out. Hi-ya! Feel the force etc.

Edited by StephenWalsh
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:hmm:Well,...I have to admit that I was a supporter of the 'Guild',..and to be honest,.I have met some real nice guys through it. However,..I earn my wages by catching moles and rabbits,...I cannot do anything else,..in short, I am unemployable..SO,..reluctantly I have had to leave the Guild,.and my reason for doing so,..is really quite simple ...


These Mole Guilds/Societies,.whatever,...are keen to run monthly courses and train up more and more Mole Catchers. Nothing wrong in that,.we have all got to earn some gold doubloons,..that is a fact of life,..I do know that.. :yes: BUT,.no way can I support any organisation that is schooling folk to take the bread (well Jalfrezi) out of my mouth...I am a soft hearted person and hate falling out with anyone,..but in the future,..I have to walk alone...


The modern rabbiting game and the mole trapping business, really is a 'dog eat dog' scenario,..and I've survived for a long time,..by following certain rules and adopting a personal creed,..and it would be foolish to change now,...

So,....good luck to anyone wanting to walk the walk,..but please don't call me,.I'll call you.. :laugh:

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You wanna be a master mole catcher? simply write master mole catcher down the side of your van. anyone ask you if your a master mole catcher tell em yeah!



Theres no such fecking thing so if thats what you wanna call your self crack on....you still got to do a good job at the right money to keep the work and attract more.....

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