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Pigeon And Rabbit Shooting Wanted In Rayne/braintree, Essex


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Hello, If you are reading this it is because this site has fair and impartial Moderators/Administrators.

Is there somewhere in the Forum that I can post where Landowners are likely to read it ? Thanks. :toast:

as with all posts, you never know who your talking too, until its too late, yes, Im a woodland owner, but no you wont get permission from me because .........


Stubby, Chris Hanrahan said you were always a Miserable Tight SOD. :tongue2:

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Experienced, accurate and safe shooter wants Rabbit and Pigeon shooting in Rayne/Braintree area - Essex.

Shotgun Cert and FAC held.

Landowners permission required.


just a suggestion here mate, as at the moment your acting like a block who wants to shag his bird without taking her out for a meal first, you have two posts, both asking for permission, yet no introduction post telling us all about you, I'd also suggest removing your mobile number, as this is an open forum that has visits from anti's, thats why forums have "private messaging" functions.

try using the search button, do a search on "seeking permission" and you'll notice you aint the first new member here that does not introduce themselves, and wants shooting permission on a plate, then ask yourself, why those of us with permissions, should offer it out to a complete unknown new member, who cant be bothered with an introduction,

you have an FAC? so you should have permission already, or is it only target at a club?

the outcome of this is we will either see you adding a lengthy introduction post in the new members section, and more posts after that joining in with the community on this forum




we will never see another post again.....


I know which one I'm betting on




You are right you never know who you are talking to. ! Unless you have something useful or informative regarding my post I request you refrain from making comments on it. Thank you.

so your telling me, the first reply I left for you was neither useful or informative???

I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, get your foot in the door so to speak, yup Im a landowner, we have pheasant,partridge,rabbits,pigeon,crow,duck,geese,squirrel and deer within our woods, but have you filled in your profile or introduced yourself better, have you tried adding comments to posts, other than those of yours wanting permission on a plate, your one of many hundreds of new members that come in this forum, thinking its filled with landowners or permissions waiting to be given out, well I don't want to burst your bubble, but wake up and smell the coffee, if you cant be ar$ed to put a bit of effort into asking on here, what makes you think members will be offering you shooting left,right and center

also, this is an open forum, remember I said that in my first post, it means anyone can reply to posts, you'll get good and bad replies, depending on the opening post, so go back to the first page, and count how many members have left you permissions on a plate, or those that have commented that your doing it wrong, and suggested alternatives

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Hello, If you are reading this it is because this site has fair and impartial Moderators/Administrators.

Is there somewhere in the Forum that I can post where Landowners are likely to read it ? Thanks. :toast:

as with all posts, you never know who your talking too, until its too late, yes, Im a woodland owner, but no you wont get permission from me because .........


Stubby, Chris Hanrahan said you were always a Miserable Tight SOD. :tongue2:


:laugh::laugh::laugh: he only moans cos he had to work when he was with me, I didn't put up with his bad back ploy to stop work, here's a very rare picture of him, pretending to do some work for the camera




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Hello Stubby,

Thanks for the information.

I have permissions for a couple of sites already but am looking for something closer to my door step.

Are you a landowner in my area?

Also I cannot see how to remove the mobile number from my post?


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You are right you never know who you are talking to. ! Unless you have something useful or informative regarding my post I request you refrain from making comments on it. Thank you.

Im not trying to be horrible, but have just looked at the wanted section (pigeons) and gone through the first two pages full, everyone is a new member, and all want the same thing, mostly all have said they tried a couple of farms but no joy (it took me 3yrs of knocking to get my first)

then hover your cursor over their forum name, 99% have not been back to the forum in 5 to 6 months, now you'll understand why older members are weary about handing out permissions to new members with no post count, just wanted posts


so, my advice if you are serious about finding permission on THIS FORUM


fill out your profile

add as many pictures as possible

join in conversations on other posts

visit the forum daily/weekly etc

then, other members may see you as someone they can trust, as you will have put some time and effort into staying here

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Hello Stubby,

Thanks for the information.

I have permissions for a couple of sites already but am looking for something closer to my door step.

Are you a landowner in my area?

Also I cannot see how to remove the mobile number from my post?


so, send a pm to a moderator and ask them to remove your phone number, the editing button only stays on the post for a few hours

so, rather than a wanted post, try adding a swap post, try offering a day out on your permission in exchange for one on theirs, that way it don't look like you want something for nothing

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Stubby,

Thanks for the information.

I have permissions for a couple of sites already but am looking for something closer to my door step.

Are you a landowner in my area?

Also I cannot see how to remove the mobile number from my post?



as with all new members that we see on here, yet another has done as expected, not followed any advice

not been on for 10 days

not filled out their profile


its not the first and it wont be the last

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got my ass kicked for asking for permissions when I first joined this community, but since Ive knocked on doors, more doors and then a few more. Eventually got a permission. You have to work at it. Once you have one other ones are easier to obtain as you are trusted if you have respect for your shoot. I will hopefully have another permission shortly because the landowner has just booted the previous shooters off his land because they were so untidy, leavng cartridges on the ground, along with beer cans, food wrappers and even a dumped BBQ!!

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