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Under Keeper Or Something Alone Them Lines

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Hey im 20 and currently a electrician but would rather do something I enjoy soo woundering if some could point me in the rjght direction to be coming a under keeper and working my way up to game keeper? I wouldnt mind having to relocate if thats what has to be done!! Any info would be great !!

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If you still fancy it when the birds come in, in July. You're welcome to come and do my rounds for a week. It's not at the scale of what Dan or similar are doing, but it'll give you a good idea of what it's like mate.

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Wish I had stuck at it I was heading for my own shoot in north wales but I couldn't tear my self away from the grandmothers cooking all ways put my belly first :)

Long hours and little money and a right old slog some days. But its a life style more than any thing

ha just found me old boss nice chap too


Edited by terryd
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Honestly anyone with another trade setting out down this route needs their head examined the job market for keepers is non-existent I've spoken to 3 keepers in the last fortnight who are due for redundancy and can't get a job these lads aren't wannabes they are good experienced keepers,I spoke to one headkeeper last week he had advertised a beatkeepers post he had over 350 applicants in the first week :icon_eek: and he claims most are lads with experience,with more shoots closing and no new ones starting this situation will not get better.

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I know where your coming from dan but being stuck in a job your generally dont like is shit really dont wanna be stuck on-site for the rest of my life doing something I hate doing im at a age now I can look about abit no ties here for me and I know if I get dont do anything now I will lool back a regret it

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  On 18/02/2014 at 21:35, Wales1234 said:

I know where your coming from dan but being stuck in a job your generally dont like is shit really dont wanna be stuck on-site for the rest of my life doing something I hate doing im at a age now I can look about abit no ties here for me and I know if I get dont do anything now I will lool back a regret it

I wish you well mate, at least you have a trade to fall back on if it isn't what you expect :thumbs:

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It's not all walk round and shoot things and drive round on a quad bike. Since the start of rearing last April to now I can honestly say I've only been for a walk round with the gun once. There's always jobs to do and when the chicks are in the brooder hut Lamping goes down the list aswell. I'd have a long hard look at the reality of it before you fall for the romantic image of a gamekeeper

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  On 19/02/2014 at 10:23, turnerboi said:

It's not all walk round and shoot things and drive round on a quad bike. Since the start of rearing last April to now I can honestly say I've only been for a walk round with the gun once. There's always jobs to do and when the chicks are in the brooder hut Lamping goes down the list aswell. I'd have a long hard look at the reality of it before you fall for the romantic image of a gamekeeper

very true :thumbs: on beaters day we were sat having a drink and a couple of the beaters said to me "well that's it Dan,end of a long season" my reply "aye and at the stroke of midnight another f****r starts"

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