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Another Child Possibly Attacked

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It wont until people are educated about the stupidity of leaving a small baby alone with any dog.

When are you going to stop going ON and ON....about how dogs MUST be kept outside?...   Its STUPID c**t OWNERS....   Whether the dogs inside or outside.... isnt going to change the fact that the O

I've said it before and I'll say it again..... With over ten million dogs in the u.k and many if those kept in houses with kids ....we've still not had a non-muppets dog kill a child......

Seriously cant understand why the bloke brought an adult dog home with him that someone wanted '' to get rid of'' ... from down the pub ... complete madness & sadly the child payed the price for its Fathers stupidity

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These fkn people never learn anything, barely a week since report of dig attack and in there ignorance and stupidity leave a baby with a big dog! Madness, these people don't understand animals one whit at all, I'd never take the least chance with any dog and a vulnerable crying child left unsupervised for a second! My heart goes out to the poor parents but these folk need some common sense knocked into them, any animal is never going to be like a human!

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This is the reason why we live in a nanny state, too many thick b*****ds out there that can't even be responsible owning a dog. The more this happens the more calls for tighter dog laws. Make no mistake about it, these clowns will f**k it up for all of us.


Poor baby, rip little one.

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We constantly hear people saying " never leave a child unsupervised with a dog " ......can a dog not attack a child when a human is in the room then ?.....like a quick snap at a childs face while mum is watching telly is acceptable ?


Personally i will never understand the attraction in having dogs and small children growing up side by side in the family home.....i accept people do it but some people cant think sensibly for themself and these are the people that need protecting from themself.....whack high insurance premiums on high risk dog breeds and you watch how many of these idiots making a fashion statement by their choice of dog lose interest.

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  On 19/02/2014 at 09:51, gnasher16 said:

We constantly hear people saying " never leave a child unsupervised with a dog " ......can a dog not attack a child when a human is in the room then ?.....like a quick snap at a childs face while mum is watching telly is acceptable ?


Personally i will never understand the attraction in having dogs and small children growing up side by side in the family home.....i accept people do it but some people cant think sensibly for themself and these are the people that need protecting from themself.....whack high insurance premiums on high risk dog breeds and you watch how many of these idiots making a fashion statement by their choice of dog lose interest.


of course it can. I doubt it will have a fatal result though. Obviously thats just speculation, especially with such a big dog, but it will surely radically reduce the chances of the child being killed.


My dog has its bed in front of the radiator in the kitchen, it has roam of the kitchen and the back room/utility room. and it doesnt come into the house. Usually because i have her out every day and shes grubby and we have a cream carpet, but mostly because if shes been fed, walked, watered and been to the toilet, shes laid on her bed content. She doesnt need to be in the living room with us. Laid on sofas etc.

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  On 19/02/2014 at 09:51, gnasher16 said:

We constantly hear people saying " never leave a child unsupervised with a dog " ......can a dog not attack a child when a human is in the room then ?.....like a quick snap at a childs face while mum is watching telly is acceptable ?


Personally i will never understand the attraction in having dogs and small children growing up side by side in the family home.....i accept people do it but some people cant think sensibly for themself and these are the people that need protecting from themself.....whack high insurance premiums on high risk dog breeds and you watch how many of these idiots making a fashion statement by their choice of dog lose interest.

Is a bull cross lurcher high risk? So the answer is to make responsible dog owners pay through the nose. Personally, if jail the owner of the dog. If your dog maims someone, even your own family member no matter how tragic, jail.

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  On 19/02/2014 at 09:51, gnasher16 said:

We constantly hear people saying " never leave a child unsupervised with a dog " ......can a dog not attack a child when a human is in the room then ?.....like a quick snap at a childs face while mum is watching telly is acceptable ?


Personally i will never understand the attraction in having dogs and small children growing up side by side in the family home.....i accept people do it but some people cant think sensibly for themself and these are the people that need protecting from themself.....whack high insurance premiums on high risk dog breeds and you watch how many of these idiots making a fashion statement by their choice of dog lose interest.

folks don't insure their cars what makes you think they would insure their dog?

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  On 19/02/2014 at 10:10, Its_grim_up_norf said:


of course it can. I doubt it will have a fatal result though. Obviously thats just speculation, especially with such a big dog, but it will surely radically reduce the chances of the child being killed.




A bunch of stitches down the side of the face is much better than death granted............personally i wouldnt risk either but then like i say i never saw the attraction in watching kids/dogs grow up side by side.......im not saying you or anyone else is wrong by the way....just not for me thats all :thumbs:

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  On 19/02/2014 at 10:11, baw said:


  On 19/02/2014 at 09:51, gnasher16 said:

We constantly hear people saying " never leave a child unsupervised with a dog " ......can a dog not attack a child when a human is in the room then ?.....like a quick snap at a childs face while mum is watching telly is acceptable ?


Personally i will never understand the attraction in having dogs and small children growing up side by side in the family home.....i accept people do it but some people cant think sensibly for themself and these are the people that need protecting from themself.....whack high insurance premiums on high risk dog breeds and you watch how many of these idiots making a fashion statement by their choice of dog lose interest.

Is a bull cross lurcher high risk? So the answer is to make responsible dog owners pay through the nose. Personally, if jail the owner of the dog. If your dog maims someone, even your own family member no matter how tragic, jail.



If a bull x is being kept in a family home as a pet and not being used as a working dog then yes of course its a high risk dog..................keeping a highly driven working bred dog in a family home with small children is not being responsible in my opinion so kind of answers both points.

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  On 19/02/2014 at 10:12, danw said:


  On 19/02/2014 at 09:51, gnasher16 said:

We constantly hear people saying " never leave a child unsupervised with a dog " ......can a dog not attack a child when a human is in the room then ?.....like a quick snap at a childs face while mum is watching telly is acceptable ?


Personally i will never understand the attraction in having dogs and small children growing up side by side in the family home.....i accept people do it but some people cant think sensibly for themself and these are the people that need protecting from themself.....whack high insurance premiums on high risk dog breeds and you watch how many of these idiots making a fashion statement by their choice of dog lose interest.

folks don't insure their cars what makes you think they would insure their dog?



Yes but thats illegal..........law is law.....if you break it you face consequences if caught.

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I personally wouldn't have kids near dogs. Both areas unpredictable as the other. Half these dogs that's killed kids could easily kill the owners nevermimd the kids so I see gnashers point. What is the attraction with them?

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  On 19/02/2014 at 08:35, baw said:

This is the reason why we live in a nanny state, too many thick b*****ds out there that can't even be responsible owning a dog. The more this happens the more calls for tighter dog laws. Make no mistake about it, these clowns will f**k it up for all of us.


Poor baby, rip little one.


My concern is that the we will pay for the acts of the clinically stupid, not just financially, if these attacks keep happening legislation will come in that effects all dog owners, not just the dim ones. Its happened before and it will happen again, we live in a state with so many rules because of the idiotic minority. Gun laws, knife laws, rules around crossbows are there because of the few that you wouldnt trust with a pea shooter but we all pay the price. I just find it tragic when it comes to dogs, this country has a proud heritage with dogs, recorded from at least celtic times when our dogs were exported around the known world, it would be genuinely sad if the state became anti dog. Without being judgemental we need to stop the look how "ard" my dog is, "his dad is one of 7 blokes", jeremy kyle brigade from ruining dog ownership for the rest of us.

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