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Guest ragumup

dead right, vote UKIP, I used to vote labour but will never ever vote for them again they have betrayed the working class people who supported them, the BMP are a joke, UKIP are the only way.

I agree

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No Jai but we don't believe we should have to be second class citizens in OUR OWN COUNTRY.

Bastarding studio was Fula hopeful foreigners waiting on their claims coming through. It should be if you come to gb you accept gb and it's laws (except hunting act) and the fact that it's a country

oh i certainly will be voting ukip,aswill most of mates, BNP lol id rather see the country fall than have those clowns in charge

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aye BNP are wankers, Ive never seen anything from them and thought 'd'you know what they have a point' Jokers and anyone who votes for them might as well not have bothered voting.


Nigel farage on the other hand...the fact the media and politicians are making it their mission to do a hatchet job and character assasination on him at every opportunity, just shows the effect he's having on them. They're worried. Also last year Cameron talking about a possible UKIP coalition..? Aye right-o David, i dont think it will be up to you at that point. Nigel will have moved his stuff in to your old gaff by then.

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I often wonder how many people who do all this " Vote Ukip " in the same way people used to spray NF slogans on subway walls :D have actually taken the time to really study their policies and make a genuine intelligent decision to give them their vote......and not just blindly jumping on a bandwagon and wanting to be part of some exclusive little club !


The amount of people who come up with a thousand reasons to vote for them ............but then ultimately resort to the same old thing " they cant be any worse than what we have now "..................i recently heard it described as " using toilet paper to stop a leaking water pipe "

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I often wonder how many people who do all this " Vote Ukip " in the same way people used to spray NF slogans on subway walls :D have actually taken the time to really study their policies and make a genuine intelligent decision to give them their vote......and not just blindly jumping on a bandwagon and wanting to be part of some exclusive little club !


The amount of people who come up with a thousand reasons to vote for them ............but then ultimately resort to the same old thing " they cant be any worse than what we have now "..................i recently heard it described as " using toilet paper to stop a leaking water pipe "

the options are not exactly great are they, best go for the one that plays a new tune rather than one that keeps playing the same old song

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Yeah gnash, i agree with what you are saying. All politicians are out for themselves ultimately, and all of them lie to us. But we have been lied to by the same two for years. Hell, even maggie thatcher done some good things.


If UKIP get in and the good things they do are to get out of Europe, clamp down on immigration, send back a shit load of Eastern europeans and all the rest of it. I'll tolerate them claiming some expenses, and dropping a few bollocks.

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oh there a few of there members and policies i would ditch. and i said lots of times. they may very well turn out to be a busted flush.but im prepared to give them a go. they resemble the tories in lot of ways,but unlike them they are saying and promising the right things.

we will see if they continue to impress as the next few years go on.


and if they do turn out to be shower of shit like the rest,then guess we will know once and for all where we stand.cause the last thing we need is another political party serving themselfs from the trough.i certainly didnt jump on the bandwagon been voting for them for a few years now,and was happy to introduce UKIP on here years ago,for some of the lads didnt really know much about them.


but people make up thier own minds,im not banging on about vote for ukip,i dont feel the need to the british people are certainly discouraged with our current parties,i trully believe they will give ukip a chance. maybe not running the country lol but certainly imo in a position to upset the apple cart in westminister.

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Im not saying id rule them out either way they may turn out just what the doctor ordered..............but the way some folk hang their hat on them like they are the great saviours is just completely naive thinking they havent done anything yet they are making the right noises but talking and doing.....well we know how far apart they can be and its not like they dont have their own faults so if its a matter of who you hate the least i suppose i can see the attraction..............but im not sure id be scribbling their names on viaduct walls just yet :D

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I often wonder how many people who do all this " Vote Ukip " in the same way people used to spray NF slogans on subway walls :D have actually taken the time to really study their policies and make a genuine intelligent decision to give them their vote......and not just blindly jumping on a bandwagon and wanting to be part of some exclusive little club !



I wonder the same. Many don't really agree with their politics at all and just see them as the new a credible nationalist party. Which they are but not anything like what some believe. For instance, how many times when Islam is mentioned do you hear some half wit screaming "vote UKIP, f**k all the pakis off!".......... that's their immigration policy is it? f**k all pakis off? LOL LOL. FFS :no:


I support UKIP for one main reason and that's that they're the only legitimate libertarian party out there. They talk such common sense to my ears and mind it's practically invigorating!

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I agree totally lads :thumbs:

Time will tell,lets not let ourselfs look foolish by singing thier praises just yet. They may very well be playing to the masses,just for votes, I dont really believe that though,as it would be political suicide if they f****d us over,especially a relatively fledgling party.

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