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Finally Getting Into A Passion

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Where to start....?


I have a passion (some may say obsession, but that's not a strong enough word, according to my wife...more on her later) for the outside and living outdoors.


After much debate and even more heated debate, the natural progression from year of learning to track animals has come into conversation with my wife. That's right, we've broken ground about hunting. It's basically what I am already doing, but with a bang at the end and a meaty meal.


Well, back to the wife. The reason for the honourable mention she receives...she's a vegetarian. I know, nobody's perfect, but she's pretty close.


Now that she's said yes to a shotgun license and a fire arms cert, I thought it about time I signed up and started asking questions.


If there's anyone around the Somerset area or Devon, whose looking for a student to teach, whether it's hunting, skinning, butchering, tanning, or any other 'Hunting Life' skill. Please get in touch.

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