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Collie Based Stud Reqired

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That young dog of BS is gonna make a canny dog and could well be a producer of good cur type jukels..that dog seems to me atleast to have all the attributes required for a cur lurcher...as for Don dog well ive had the piss taken out of me in the past with stud dogs..it will NOT happen again with him..he will cover a bitch for my buddy TOMO and that will be it for the foreseeable future atleast..he is a mongrel lol but hes our mongrel..Good luck guys and hope you get what you are looking for but just because it looks good doesn't always mean it is haha..Atb Andy

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That young dog of BS is gonna make a canny dog and could well be a producer of good cur type jukels..that dog seems to me atleast to have all the attributes required for a cur lurcher...as for Don dog

Yep..both Bryn and Don out of a Cur..its the other parent you want to look at lol...You tell me what a Greyhound has over a Lurcher and a top quality one at that? Speed over 300 yards maybe and in tes

Hi Brambles,..good to hear that you favour the collie lurcher types...   Yes, you are correct in that it is often difficult to find a Stud dog that suits your requirements.. I only need a cur type

All right lads, thanks for the comments and views, I've had a few decent offers of dogs for stud and after a bit more research I reckon I should be sorted. I asked for genuine collie based dogs for the reason this is the type that I prefer, the bitch I have is a 1/4 beardie with good greyhound and beardie blood in her make up, I dont wish to add bull, deerhound, saluki, beddy as at this moment I dont see it being beneficial to my needs, I dont need a coureser or a fox dog I need a quality all rounder in the taking of fur and feather. I dont take breeding a litter lightly so the right dog for my bitch and my needs in a pup are paramount, I'm not slating any other breeds as I also own a saluki x so please take no offence, when I say genuine collie x's of a good working abilty are rare I think they for what I'm looking for in a stud they are, so thanks again folks Brambles

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Some wise words said on this thread. . .


And something that I can never fathom is how as Rake said. . . . folk seem to think that a man with a good dog will chuck him over any bitch whose owner fancies it. . . .


P.S - Chid - You're thinking of the wrong dog. . . I think.

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  On 19/02/2014 at 22:01, Ideation said:

Some wise words said on this thread. . .


And something that I can never fathom is how as Rake said. . . . folk seem to think that a man with a good dog will chuck him over any bitch whose owner fancies it. . . .


P.S - Chid - You're thinking of the wrong dog. . . I think.

finn is by alex who isnt a full collie he is 7/8s beardie/border 1/8 grey :laugh: picky i know :laugh::thumbs:

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brambles hope your search was fruitfull the [bANNED TEXT] good genuine home bred collie crosses are thin on the ground , turn the clock back 15 years plus ,would had been easy to find a decent one , that are all rounders , if a dog cant catch a hare rabbit feather roe odd fox back in the day they were not good allroundres a mate of mines had crackers ,hunted with them think there still some of his dogs about , there collie marked and very spunky nice dogs they were ,he had a couple , we had some fun with them ,not saw many collie crosses that are real good die hard dogs for years hope you get what you are after

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to the OP i think You need to question what attributes You need the stud dog to bring to Your Bitch. also...... the stud dog, should have offspring working, so there fore proving this stud dog throws working stock and even more generations doing so (where poss) the chap i know who has this stud used to only keep bitches, but was also finding it hard to find a sutiable stud dog, hence he now has his own, i hope You find what You are looking for.. if You need any info on the Stud dog i have mentioned earlier feel free to ask... how ever i am NOT stupid as to whom i give out info to..... :whistling:

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  On 20/02/2014 at 07:01, FUJI said:


  On 19/02/2014 at 21:42, tjones3862 said:


Ain't that the truth Jim


both mine have bull in and take feather,fur,scale and anything else that breathes :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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  On 20/02/2014 at 14:16, Wales1234 said:

Plenty bull in this bitch but looks and acts like a collie x


You no why hit act,s like a collie because, you only need a tad in hit, the collie gene for some reason can over ride most breeds in a lurcher,,,thats why i allways wounder why people saturate a lurcher with the collie,,,,,

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  On 20/02/2014 at 15:29, tjones3862 said:


  On 20/02/2014 at 14:16, Wales1234 said:

Plenty bull in this bitch but looks and acts like a collie x


You no why hit act,s like a collie because, you only need a tad in hit, the collie gene for some reason can over ride most breeds in a lurcher,,,thats why i allways wounder why people saturate a lurcher with the collie,,,,,


you have to reintroduce at some point as it does dilute after 3 or 4 generations

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