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Hares with the rimmy.

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There a sporting animal no doubt about that, and it takes a special dog to catch them during the daylight in winter on a regular basis...but everyones circumstances are different...if someone has permission and wants to run them fair do, if someone has permission and wants to shoot them, nice one...I've got quite a lot on some land I hunt, and to be honest you can make some decent money if you have a dealer to supply and a high density of them.. at £3.50 a hare...All boils down to the person doing it end of the day and if the landowner wants them thinning out..

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I dont particularly like the job of shooting hares but I like the idea of idiots roaming free with dogs even less ,a lot less .Plus there is my PERMISSION to think of and the good will that goes hand in hand .This particular farmer has put me in touch with a few more farmers through the unpaid pest and predator control i've done so his wishes are paramount .

Ive no gripe with coursing either ,done enough myself in the past ,its the idiot mindset that pisses me off .

WHO THE f**k DO THEY THINK THEY ARE .I've had to spend years getting accepted by landowners as a trusting respector of property and livestock so yes I do look down on the p***y type twats who roam ,steal and treat the country side as a dustbin .

Foxdropper .

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  foxdropper said:
I dont particularly like the job of shooting hares but I like the idea of idiots roaming free with dogs even less ,a lot less .Plus there is my PERMISSION to think of and the good will that goes hand in hand .This particular farmer has put me in touch with a few more farmers through the unpaid pest and predator control i've done so his wishes are paramount .

Ive no gripe with coursing either ,done enough myself in the past ,its the idiot mindset that pisses me off .

WHO THE f**k DO THEY THINK THEY ARE .I've had to spend years getting accepted by landowners as a trusting respector of property and livestock so yes I do look down on the p***y type twats who roam ,steal and treat the country side as a dustbin .

Foxdropper .


Well said mate.

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I agree each to his own ,but if foxdropper hadnt done what the farmer requested then i am sure he would find someone that would and he would loose his shooting,we have had to do it ourselves didnt like it but i am not going to loose hard earned permision to someone else so good job done Foxdropper

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im sorry but i coursev and shoot, i dont see any problem in killing hares with ariffle, dont you think it not sporting to shoot stags and deer and Fox with agun. you can have just as much sport coursing any of these animals. who gave any of us the right to tell another person how to hunt ahare or afox. you mightas well be an ANTI. so shut up bitchen how one person kills 9 hares when i bet half of you have shoot 9 foxses with agun coz thats real sport aint it :feck::feck::feck:

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Why shouldn't fd post his thread?just because some folks might get up set about it.At least he is out there doing it,NOT sat behind his keyboard slagging other peoples post off like some do on here.Why shouldn't he post a pic for people on here to see,it says on the title HARES WITH A RIMMEY,so you know what it will be about,so if it offends,pisses you off seeing hares shot, DON'T read it simple as that.


Well done FD nice bag there :thumbs:

Edited by MR TEA POT
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Is it not againest the law to hunt hare with a rifle in england? if that happened here you would loose your fac if caught, but the sporting chance is to shoot them with a shotgun if need be, hence no overkill, and some would live another day.. :thumbs:

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As I said before ,I dont find it sport ,the reason I posted it was to highlight the problem of bands of ,well ,what can only be described as lowlife misfits who think the countryside is open to all and sundry to do whatever they like and threaten whoever they like .Call me old school or whatever but where is the respect for the land in these people .That great athlete ,the hare is nearly always left to rot after capture so where is the respect in that .I have no problem with coursing ,have done it plenty of times but this mindset I cannot except .If you enjoy your coursing,fair law and respect the quarry then fair play .If on the other hand you fall into the lowlife category ,and are thinking of visiting Wiltshire ,your dog is fair game .

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  SNAP SHOT said:
Is it not againest the law to hunt hare with a rifle in england? if that happened here you would loose your fac if caught, but the sporting chance is to shoot them with a shotgun if need be, hence no overkill, and some would live another day.. :thumbs:



It is not against the law to shoot a hare with a rifle .They have no official game status and as for your hare drives and no slaughter, dont make me laugh .Keep it real or dont bother .

Edited by foxdropper
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to be honest, i pretty much roam wherever i want! like my grandfather did! but bear this in mind! i would never give anyone gyp!, & i only catch what i carry home! so not all us "roamers" are scum! :thumbs: yes the hare is the greatest athlete!, & yes it is such a shame to kill them all! we go by a bit of a motto here! "shooti'n is cheati'n!" :clapper:

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